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FibreCraft Insights Video: Episode 3.2 Now Launched

Dextra is excited to announce the launch of its new FibreCraft Insights video series, featuring Pierre Hofmann, General Manager of Geotec, alongside Bhargav Jog, Business Development Manager. This series aims to provide valuable insights into Glass Fibre Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) and its applications.

  • In the first episode, “GFRP Demystified,” viewers are introduced to the basics and benefits of GFRP materials. This episode lays a solid foundation for understanding the material’s potential and how it can be utilized in various industries.
  • The second episode, “Unlocking the Technical Marvel,” delves into the key mechanical properties of GFRP. Pierre Hofmann and Bhargav Jog explore the technical aspects that make GFRP a remarkable material for innovative engineering solutions.
  • The third episode, “GFRP in Action“, discusses the applications of GFRP products for tunnelling projects, flatwork applications, and active and passive anchoring.

Stay tuned for more episodes of FibreCraft Insights, which will continue to uncover the advantages and applications of GFRP. You can watch the series on our website, YouTube channel, and LinkedIn.

Foundation for Public Housing Development at Pik Wan Road, Hong Kong


The Foundation for Public Housing Development at Pik Wan Road, Hong Kong


The Foundation for Public Housing Development at Pik Wan Road stands as a testament to Hong Kong’s commitment to sustainable urban development and infrastructure enhancement. Situated amidst the vibrant cityscape, this construction project embodies a convergence of innovative engineering and community-focused initiatives.

At the heart of this endeavor lies the crucial aspect of slope stabilization—a fundamental requirement in Hong Kong’s hilly terrain, where land development often necessitates meticulous attention to structural integrity. Recognizing the significance of this aspect, the project turned to advanced solutions, seeking to marry effectiveness with environmental responsibility.

Enter Création, a renowned provider of engineering solutions renowned for its commitment to quality and innovation. Dextra’s contribution comprised over a thousand pieces of Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) Soil Nails — a cutting-edge solution designed to address the specific challenges of slope stabilization. GFRP Soil Nails offer superior corrosion resistance, durability, and ease of installation while minimizing environmental impact.

Dextra’s GFRP solutions have earned the esteemed approval of various authoritative bodies in Hong Kong, including the Buildings Department, a crucial entity overseeing building codes, safety standards, and inspections. Additionally, they have garnered recognition from the Hospital Authority, ensuring their reliability and suitability for healthcare infrastructure. Moreover, recognition from the Housing Department and the Construction Innovation & Technology Fund (CITF) signifies their innovative edge and contribution to advancing construction practices in Hong Kong.


Tai Po Railway Pier – Reconstruction of Tai Po Kau Tide Gauge Station


Tai Po Railway Pier – Reconstruction of Tai Po Kau Tide Gauge Station, Hong Kong


Dans le paysage côtier dynamique de Tai Po Kau, dans les Nouveaux Territoires de Hong Kong, les projets d'infrastructure exigent des solutions robustes et résilientes. L'un de ces projets, le projet de reconstruction de la station marégraphique de Tai Po Kau, nécessitait des matériaux innovants pour résister aux défis uniques posés par son environnement. Dextra est intervenu pour fournir environ 1 000 mètres de Glass Fibre Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) rebar for the slab of the Tai Po Railway Pier, démontrant l'efficacité des matériaux composites avancés dans la construction marine.

Le projet de station marégraphique Tai Po Kau visait à revitaliser l'infrastructure existante, en renforçant sa résilience contre les forces de marée, la corrosion et la dégradation de l'environnement. Conscient des limites du renforcement traditionnel en acier dans les environnements marins, le projet a recherché des alternatives susceptibles d'offrir une durabilité et une longévité supérieures. Dextra Barres d'armature en PRV est apparu comme la solution idéale, offrant une résistance exceptionnelle à la corrosion, à la rouille et à la dégradation chimique généralement associée à l'exposition à l'eau salée.

Barres d'armature en PRV, composé de fibres de verre à haute résistance incorporées dans une matrice polymère, offre des propriétés mécaniques comparables à celles de l'acier mais avec des avantages supplémentaires. Notamment, Barres d'armature en PRV présente une conductivité thermique nettement inférieure, réduisant le risque de ponts thermiques et améliorant l'intégrité structurelle dans des variations extrêmes de température. De plus, ses propriétés non magnétiques éliminent les interférences électromagnétiques, ce qui le rend adapté aux applications sensibles telles que les stations marégraphiques.

L'application de Barres d'armature en PRV within the Tai Po Kau Tide Gauge Station project encompassed both straight and bend bars, catering to the diverse structural requirements of the public pier. Dextra’s expertise in custom fabrication ensured precise bending and shaping of the rebar to fit the intricate geometries of the pier structure, facilitating seamless integration and minimizing construction complexities.

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