Groupe Dextra | Connexions fiables

Queen Sirikit National Convention Center (QSNCC) Renovation, Thailand

Queen Sirikit National Convention Center (QSNCC) Renovation, Thailand

Le Queen Sirikit National Convention Center (QSNCC) est un centre de congrès et une salle d'exposition situé à Bangkok, en Thaïlande.

The venue closed on April 26, 2019, for a 15-billion-baht renovation after nearly 30 years of hosting conferences, exhibitions, and international events. It is scheduled to reopen in September 2022 with five times its original venue space.

For this large-scale renovation, Dextra supplied nearly 200,000 Bartec rebar couplers for the connection of diaphragm walls, columns, beams, and core walls.

In November 2022, QSNCC will also host the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit.

Yellow Wood 3 Warehouse & Office, Thailand

Yellow Wood 3 Warehouse & Office, Thailand

Yellow Wood 3 is a warehouse and office building spanning approximately 40,000 square meters in Samut Prakan, Thailand.

To ensure efficient and rapid installation on-site, Groutec S_ couplers were used to connect precast concrete columns. With their slimmer design and smaller outside diameter, Groutec S_ couplers are ideal for narrow columns and slim panels, making them particularly effective in space-constrained applications.

Additionally, Bartec couplers were installed within the precast columns to serve as high-performance rebar splices, ensuring structural integrity and durability.

One Nine Elms, UK

One Nine Elms, UK

Changing the skyline of London

One Nine Elms is a new mixed-use high-rise project in London, overlooking the River Thames.

This real estate development will replace the 44-year-old Market Towers with two skyscrapers: the 56-story City Tower and the 42-story River Tower, 18 floors of which will be dedicated to a 173-room luxury hotel.

High-performance rebar connectors are essential for reinforcing the structure of these two iconic towers. Dextra was entrusted with this task and supplied 70,000 Griptec couplers, renowned for their exceptional performance under tension, compression, and fatigue conditions.

Supported by high-productivity rebar preparation equipment, Griptec couplers were installed in columns, beams, starter bars for slabs, and other structural elements.

Additionally, the integrity of the buildings’ bored piles was tested using the Cross Sonic Logging (CSL) methodology. This technique involves inserting a transmitter and receiver into parallel water-filled tubes along the pile depth to measure the speed of ultrasonic pulses and ensure structural soundness.

Dextra’s Sonitec tubes facilitated the test with their easy installation into reinforcement cages. A total of 4,000 meters of ST50 sonic tubes were provided for this project.

Upon completion, anticipated in 2022, City Tower will become one of the tallest residential buildings in London and the United Kingdom.

Urban Deca Homes Ortigas, Philippines

Urban Deca Homes Ortigas, Philippines

Urban Deca Homes Ortigas is one of the largest residential projects currently under development in the Philippines. It involves the construction of 22 residential buildings with 19,000 one- and two-bedroom units on a 13-hectare property in Metro Manila.

The developer aims to attract young working families from the surrounding areas of Ortigas, Eastwood, and Vertis North by offering affordable accommodations, starting at just $30,000 per unit.

Dextra has supplied nearly 150,000 Groutec couplers for 20 of the residential buildings. Model S25 and S28 couplers are used to connect rebars in load-bearing shear walls.

This type of mechanical splice is designed to simplify the installation of precast concrete elements, such as panels or columns.

On-site, connections are made in seconds by injecting non-shrink grout into the Groutec cavity.

Le projet devrait être achevé d’ici 2022.

Xiao En Cheras, Malaysia

Xiao En Cheras, Malaysia

Xiao En Cheras est un centre commémoratif de 15 étages et 3 sous-sols situé à Kuala Lumpur, en Malaisie, appartenant au groupe Xiao En, un prestataire de soins aux personnes en deuil qui offre des conseils professionnels aux familles en deuil et à la communauté malaisienne.

Création Sonitec tubes were installed to test the structural integrity and consistency of concrete within the building’s bored piles using crosshole sonic logging (CSL) testing method.

Sonitec is the steel pipe system specifically designed and manufactured for CSL concrete testing. Since 1999, over 50 million feet of Sonitec CSL tubes have been used on over 400 projects around the world.

Le centre commémoratif de Xiao En Chera mettra non seulement l'accent sur les fonctions des services funéraires traditionnels, mais intégrera également des activités commémoratives ainsi que des activités culturelles et éducatives.

Expansion of Lai King Building in Princess Margaret Hospital, Hong Kong

Expansion of Lai King Building in Princess Margaret Hospital, Hong Kong

Le projet d'agrandissement du bâtiment Lai King, créé en 2001 à l'hôpital Princess Margaret de Hong Kong, vise à améliorer les services de soins ambulatoires et à garantir le respect des normes de contrôle des infections et de service dans les établissements de soins de santé modernes.

Le projet comprend la démolition de la structure existante, la construction d'un nouveau bloc d'extension, la rénovation et la rénovation du bâtiment existant, la construction de ponts de liaison reliant le nouveau bloc d'extension et le bâtiment existant, ainsi que des travaux extérieurs et un aménagement paysager.

Dextra is actively involved in the site formation and foundation works, which commenced in August 2021. Our contribution includes supplying Astec GFRP (Glass Fibre Reinforced Polymer) soil nails with a diameter of 32 for temporary support during excavation. These soil nails are renowned for their lightweight composition, making them easier to handle and install. This characteristic significantly reduces labor requirements and construction time, thereby allowing for greater productivity on-site.

De plus, le matériau GFRP utilisé dans ces clous de sol présente une résistance élevée à la corrosion, ce qui le distingue des clous de sol en acier traditionnels. Cet attribut garantit la longévité et la durabilité du système de support temporaire, réduisant ainsi le besoin de maintenance et de remplacements coûteux à l'avenir.

The exceptional tensile strength of the GFRP soil nails plays a crucial role in effectively restraining the lateral displacement of the soil, thereby minimizing the risk of ground movement and potential collapse.

Les travaux de construction de l’ensemble du projet devraient être achevés d’ici 2026.

Trilogy Limassol Seafront, Cyprus

Trilogy Limassol Seafront, Cyprus

Trilogy Limassol Seafront is a prestigious construction project located in the beautiful city of Limassol, Cyprus. It is a massive development consisting of three towers, featuring luxury apartments and offices with private facilities. The construction of Trilogy Limassol Seafront required the use of over 200,000 Bartec couplers and headed bars for slab and column connections.

Bartec couplers provide reliable and robust connections. They are designed to join reinforcement bars quickly and easily. The couplers were used for the slab, column, and column-to-slab connections in all three towers of Trilogy Limassol Seafront.

L'utilisation de Bartec couplers and headed bars dia. 40, grade 500C, ISO 15835 S (Seismic) provides exceptional seismic resistance, a crucial factor for buildings in areas prone to earthquakes. Bartec couplers have been tested and certified to meet the highest standards for seismic performance, ensuring the safety and durability of the new landmark beachfront buildings.

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The Reef at King’s Dock Condominium, Singapore

The Reef at King’s Dock Condominium, Singapore

Le Reef at King's Dock, un prestigieux complexe riverain de Singapour, a introduit une fonctionnalité impressionnante dans son projet résidentiel. Bénéficiant du tout premier pont flottant de 180 mètres du pays, ce développement de luxe offre aux résidents une expérience vraiment unique. Avec un total de 429 unités réparties dans 10 blocs résidentiels, le développement est situé dans le quartier Harbourfront, dans la zone Greater Southern Waterfront.

In the construction of this remarkable project, Dextra provided the new Groutec F couplers, marking the first introduction of this innovative product in Singapore for precast household shelter connections.

Groutec, a mechanical splicing system specifically designed for connecting precast elements, offers superior strength and reliability. The Groutec F model stands out due to its fully grouted system, which enables the connection of two rebars without the need for any threading procedure, setting it apart from the well-known Groutec L and S models.

The incorporation of the Groutec F couplers by Dextra in The Reef at King’s Dock exemplifies the commitment to innovation and quality within the construction industry. This cutting-edge technology not only enhances the structural integrity of the development but also simplifies and streamlines the construction process.

Kielpark Towers Renovation, Belgium

Kielpark Towers Renovation, Belgium

The new Kielpark Towers will pay tribute to the existing towers. The building is equipped with the most sustainable technologies, including a collective heating system that operates with a heat pump, solar panels for electricity in common areas, extra insulation, low-temperature floor heating, and precast concrete panels.

Dextra supplied Groutec L et Groutec S_ couplers for the connection of precast concrete panels to slabs. The precast construction technique significantly contributes to sustainable building practices in the following ways:

  • Requires fewer materials, such as grout, rebar, and concrete.
  • Accelerates construction cycles by three times compared to cast-in-place methods, reducing pollution and waste.
  • Offsite construction reduces man-hours by 20% compared to conventional methods using corrugated pipes.
  • Enhances accuracy and minimizes mistakes during on-site installation.

Mega Home Chiang Mai, Thailand

Mega Home Chiang Mai, Thailand

Mega Home est un opérateur important de chaînes de matériaux de construction et de construction en Thaïlande, avec plus de dix succursales à travers le pays. Ces dernières années, Mega Home a investi dans ses méga projets d'expansion, notamment la construction de son magasin phare à Chiang Mai.

Mega Home turned to Groutec coupleurs. Groutec couplers are a proven solution for connecting precast columns to foundations. They are designed to provide a reliable and durable connection that can withstand the rigors of construction.

Groutec couplers are designed to be easy to install, which made the construction process smoother and faster. The couplers work by connecting the steel reinforcement bars in the precast columns to the reinforcement bars in the foundation. This creates a strong and stable connection that ensures the structural integrity of the building.

L'utilisation de Groutec couplers also provided several other benefits to the Mega Home Chiang Mai construction project. For example, the couplers allowed for the use of smaller diameter reinforcement bars, which reduced the overall weight of the precast columns. This, in turn, reduced the size and weight of the cranes required for installation, making the construction process more efficient.

Groutec couplers also provided a cost-effective solution for the project. They eliminated the need for welding or other costly connection methods, which helped to keep the overall cost of the project within budget.

The successful completion of the Mega Home Chiang Mai project was a testament to the technical expertise and experience of the construction team. By using innovative and proven solutions like Groutec couplers, the team was able to overcome the challenges of the project and deliver a high-quality building that will serve Mega Home customers for many years to come.

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