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Bulding homes, building hope


Construction has always been at the core of Dextra, and what better way to celebrate it than helping someone in need!

“Habitat for Humanity” is an international NGO aiming to alleviate the housing issue for low-income families all around the world.


15 volunteers from Dextra brought their energy and enthusiasm to help building a home for Mr.Ye, a 70-year old farmer with a disabled son.

Dextra wants to warmly thank this great team of employees, and wish that this effort can result in a drastic life improvement for Mr.Ye and his family.


Annual outing fun at Dextra Guangzhou

DBPG Outing

In October, all employees at Dextra Guangzhou participated to the annual 3-day outing, organized this year in Guilin and Yangshuo, in the Guangxi province, China.

This region is particularly famous for the enchanting scenery, and our team enjoyed a long weekend of teambuilding games, bike rides and watergun action!

Collectivity and team spirit are essential for all Dextra employees. This special occasion was also an opportunity for the teams to spend time together among the relaxing atmosphere of the province.

DBPG African Dance-2

DBPG Fishing

Dextra au séminaire stratégique de la communauté des ingénieurs du Myanmar

Seminar Room

Plus de 200 membres de la Fédération des sociétés d'ingénierie du Myanmar (Fed.MES), ainsi que des personnalités du secteur de la construction local, ont assisté à un séminaire à fort impact organisé par SKM Steels Limited, partenaire stratégique de Dextra au Myanmar.

DIN factory 3
La Fédération des sociétés d'ingénierie du Myanmar est le seul organisme d'ingénierie qui a une influence directe sur tous les ingénieurs et consultants du pays, rendant ainsi l'événement encore plus pertinent.
Dextra a eu la chance unique de partager ses connaissances approfondies sur les coupleurs de barres d'armature avec un public engagé et attentif.

Plus précisément, l'un des principaux sujets de discussion a été l'avantage de l'utilisation de coupleurs de barres d'armature en remplacement de la méthode classique de chevauchement des barres d'armature.
Les coupleurs de barres d'armature sont un nom bien connu en Europe et aux États-Unis depuis plusieurs décennies maintenant, et cette méthodologie de construction gagne beaucoup de terrain en Asie du Sud-Est, où Dextra a déjà travaillé sur certains des projets les plus emblématiques de la région.

L'événement a eu lieu le 14 septembre à Yangoon, au Myanmar.

Pour en savoir plus sur Dextra >> SECTION TÉLÉCHARGEMENT

Upcoming event – Dextra Technical Seminar in Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2019

Upcoming event – SOLSCOPE 2019 in Marseille, France

Geotechnical, drilling and foundation professionals are invited to visit Marseille on 26 and 27 June

With 6,500 m² of exhibiting space, including 5,000 m² covered and almost 1,500 m² outside, nearly 140 exhibitors and more than 3,000 participants are expected. This 13th edition will be marked by a symposium organized around four themes: “Safeguarding the heritage”, “Geotechnical engineering and digital”, “Security”, and “The geotechnical context in the Mediterranean region”.

This year, Dexta team will be welcoming you to present some of our innovative solutions, including

  • New Sonitec – brand new design of our tube solution, to facilitate the integrity testing of foundations using the CSL method
  • ASTEC Active Anchors – Dextra’s unique cut-able GFRP ground anchoring systems

    To know more about Dextra Ground Engineering solutions or schedule a meeting with our specialists:


  • A successful edition of BAUMA 2019

    Dextra Booth

    The world’s leading event in construction and machinery just came to conclusion, and it was another successful event for Dextra!

    Record numbers have been registered during this edition, with more than 620,000 visitors from 200 countries and regions, 614,000 m2 of exhibition space, and 3,700 exhibitors from 63 countries.
    The top 10 visitor countries after Germany were: Austria, Italy, Switzerland, France, the Netherlands, Russia, Sweden, the Czech Republic, Poland and Great Britain.

    Dextra Booth Visitors

    As in 2016, Dextra was present showcasing the latest in rebar splicing technologies, bars systems and ground anchoring/tunneling solutions.

    The large number of visitors to our booth is evidence of the high interest toward our new product ranges on display:

  • Groutec L/S – rebar splicing technology for precast projects
  • ASTEC Active Anchors – Dextra’s unique cut-able GFRP ground anchoring systems
  • New design of our high performance bar systems

    The next edition of Bauma will take place from April 4th to 10th, 2022.

  • For the latest updates on Dextra solutions, please visit the “Download” section of our website or feel free to contact us.

    Download our resources

    Upcoming event – BAUMA 2019 in Munich, Germany

    From 8 to 14 April 2019, meet Dextra team at the world’s leading event in construction and machinery!

    Bauma is one of the largest trade shows of the construction industry held every three years. For each edition, the events attracts visitors and professionnals from more than 200 countries. This trade show is the perfect hub for companies targetting international markets.

    This year, Dexta team will be welcoming you at Hall C3 – booth 329. We will be featuring our latest technologies and solutions including

  • Groutec L/S – rebar splicing technology specially designed for precast projects
  • New design of our high performance bar systems
  • ASTEC Active Anchors – Dextra’s unique cut-able GFRP ground anchoring systems

    To schedule a meeting with our specialists in Concrete Reinforcement solutions, Bar systems and Ground Engineering solutions:

    Réservez votre rendez-vous avec Dextra

  • De nouvelles installations de production en Inde désormais pleinement opérationnelles

    DIN factory

    Récemment, Dextra a augmenté sa capacité de fabrication en déménageant dans une usine plus grande à Ambernath, à 1 heure à l'est de Mumbai, dans l'ouest de l'Inde. Cette décision stratégique renforcera ses opérations et soutiendra les besoins croissants de production sur les marchés locaux et internationaux.

    DIN factory 3
    La nouvelle usine comprend plus de 4 600 m² d'espace abritant des lignes de production, un entrepôt de stockage ainsi que des bureaux. Avec cette expansion, La capacité de fabrication de Dextra India a été multipliée par deux.

    Le site de production propose désormais une gamme de produits pour les travaux de coulée sur place et de sol pour tous types de des projets de construction importants mondial. De plus, grâce à cette expansion, les chantiers de production d'armatures pour béton Dextra peuvent également fournir des produits destinés aux marchés du préfabriqué, notamment les produits à haute performance Solution Groutec.

    DIN factory2

    Dextra India Pvt., Ltd. est l'une des principales usines du groupe Dextra et répond aux besoins des marchés locaux depuis 2001. À l'instar de ses sites de Bangkok et de Guangzhou, l'usine d'Amernath est également certifiée ISO 9001:2015.

    Besoin de plus d’informations sur les opérations et les produits de Dextra en Inde ?

    Contactez notre bureau de Mumbai

    Celebrating team spirit with Dextra Guangzhou!

    DBPG Afican Dance

    In October, Dextra Guangzhou’s annual 3-day outing was organized for all employees in Huizhou, central Guangdong.

    The team building activities included the discovery of African drumming and dance, expressing the life of a community – the “Team”. Plus, to complete this excursion, a half-day fishing trip was also organized – allowing teams to enjoy Huizhou’s backwater and views.

    Collectivity and team spirit are essential for all Dextra employees. This special occasion was also an opportunity for the teams to spend time together among the relaxing atmosphere of the province.

    DBPG African Dance-2

    DBPG Fishing

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