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Focus on Dextra’s continuous improvement system

Dextra ISO9001:2015

Quality is our priority

Delivering products and services of excellent quality to our customers is fundamental to Dextra. To achieve these goals, we are committed to continuous improvement in each of our factories.

A structured quality management system (QMS) is the key factor that allows us to continually improve its processes. Principles from the ISO9001:2015, such as the Plan-Do-Check-Act basis, have been applied to our work processes:

  • Plan – to recognize opportunities and plan for resources and changes
  • Do – to carry out the changes
  • Check – to monitor the changes and identify what we can learn
  • Act – to take improvement actions based on what we have learned

Quality is the responsibility of every Dextra employee. This continuous improvement system offers our teams the possibility to constantly improve our performance and efficiency, resulting in an enhanced level of satisfaction of our customers.

All Dextra factories, in Thailand, China and India, are now ISO9001:2015 certified.

Together, we play collectively

Dextra India Team

Dextra India recently organized corporate team building activities for all its employees in Lonavla, a hill station located in Pune district, West India, which is well-known for its sumptuous caves.

Dextra India
These games and activities encouraged our employees to play and work collectively as a sole team, in order to prepare Dextra India for up-and-coming challenges.

At Dextra, we emphasize the collaboration and the motivation of our teams: the main fuel to level-up the quality of our work.

Upcoming event – Big 5 Construct Egypt 2018

Big 5 2018 Dextra

Save the date!

From 18 to 21 September, come meet Dextra at Big 5 Construct Egypt in Cairo, Hall 2 booth #F39. Big 5 Construct is one of the leading construction events in MENA region. This is also one of renowned venues where influential professionals of the industry feature their latest innovative products and services.

In this 2018 edition, come discover Dextra’s latest updates in solutions, projects and services related to:

  • Concrete reinforcement solutions
  • Engineered bar systems
  • Ground engineering solutions

To schedule a meeting with your Dextra specialist, please follow the link below to get in touch with our regional office.

Réservez votre rendez-vous avec Dextra

Hong Kong teams at Peak24 Charity run!

Dextra teams at Peak24, Hong Kong

Every 24 hours, 5,500 men, women and children become victims of slavery. To help fight against this issue worldwide, this year, Dextra participated for the 3rd time in Hong Kong’s Peak24 Race.

Dextra Team at Peak24
The annual Peak24 is a 24-mile relay race aiming to raise awareness of human trafficking and slavery. The funds that have been raised during the event are donated to 24 Hour Races – a global charity movement against slavery – in order to support the organization’s actions worldwide.

This year, staffs from both Dextra Hong Kong and Dextra Guangzhou teamed up for this good cause, and pushed their limits to bring slavery eradication to another step, together, in an extraordinary atmosphere.

Congratulations to both teams!

Dextra Tension Bar now available for Revit 2017

To facilitate the design of your project on AutoDesk Revit 2017 and later versions, Dextra has recently released its Tension Bar product family. Being intuitive and easy-to-use tools, designers and drafters will easily get a clear view of their final design.

By adding Dextra Tension Bar to your working space, get access to all Dextra’s sizes and steel grades. All attributes can be downloaded directly from our BIM download section.
Speed up the design of your structure on Revit, opt fore Dextra’s Tension Bar family!

Tutorial video: Add Dextra’s Tension Bar tools to your design on Revit 2017

Comment commencer?

1. Download and install the palette on your computer >> Download Tension bar tools for Revit 2017 (registration required)
2. Have a glance at your Dextra tools’ “Readme” in your .zip file and follow our step-by-step guideline
3. Extract your .zip file to any desired folder on your computer
4. Insert your Tension Bar family to your workspace
5. Enjoy your Dextra’s intuitive Tension Bar tools.

Need more details about Dextra’s products?

Discover our Tension Bar range

Upcoming event – World Tunnel Congress 2018

WTC 2018 logo

Save the date! Dextra will be exhibiting at the World Tunnel Congress Dubai 2018, the main annual event of the tunneling industry. The event will take place at the Dubai World Trade Center from the 21st to the 26th of April 2018. For this edition, Dextra will be located booth #104. Expect to see all of Dextra’s latest ground engineering projects and innovations related to:

To schedule a meeting during the event with our Ground Engineering specialists, please get in touch with our Dubai office:


La fabrication de Dextra obtient la licence thaïlandaise de « bon exportateur »

Dextra manufacturing granted Thailand Good Exporter license

Dextra Fabrication Co. Ltd. est la principale entité manufacturière du groupe Dextra qui exploite deux installations de production principales situées dans le district de Prawet, à Bangkok. Ce complexe industriel, stratégiquement situé avec un accès pratique à l'aéroport et au port en eau profonde, est spécialisé dans la production et l'exportation de produits en acier à haute performance pour l'industrie de la construction dans le monde entier.

En janvier 2018, Dextra Manufacturing Co. Ltd. a été certifiée par le Thai Revenue Department en tant que « Bon exportateur ».
Cette certification gouvernementale récompense les efforts des équipes Dextra en Thaïlande et reconnaît le respect par l'entreprise d'une liste de critères financiers stricts, parmi lesquels :

  • une situation financière saine et saine
  • l'importance des exportations dans le chiffre d'affaires total de l'entreprise
  • un historique fiscal impeccable

Le conseil d'administration du groupe Dextra est convaincu que cette certification gouvernementale mettra en évidence une fois de plus auprès des partenaires commerciaux potentiels du monde entier la bonne santé financière de Dextra en tant que fabricant de solutions de construction, prouvant que Dextra est un partenaire commercial digne de confiance, capable de fournir certains des projets de construction les plus ambitieux au monde. projet.

Dextra Moyen-Orient fête ses 15 ans !

15 years of Dextra Middle East

Le temps passe vite et les projets de construction vont bon train aux Émirats arabes unis. En février 2018, Dextra célèbre ses 15 ans d'activités à Dubaï, notre plaque tournante régionale au Moyen-Orient qui a lancé l'expansion de Dextra dans la région. Il s’agit d’une véritable success story ancrée dans le béton des monuments les plus célèbres du Moyen-Orient !

Dextra Midde East, la première entité de Dextra dans le Golfe, est devenue l'un des principaux fournisseurs de solutions techniques pour le secteur de la construction dans la région, participant à la plupart des projets d'infrastructures et de supertours difficiles. Nous tenons à remercier tous les clients, utilisateurs, prescripteurs qui utilisent les produits Dextra au fil des années.

Leader en épissures et équipements de renfort au Moyen-Orient

Nos solutions de renforcement du béton au Moyen-Orient sont distribuées via un solide réseau de distributeurs coupés et pliés situés dans 6 pays. Nous tenons à leur adresser un « Merci » tout particulier car notre succès dans le Golfe est aussi le leur !

Aéroport de Dubaï, Émirats Arabes Unis
Expansion de Mecqua Mataf, Arabie Saoudite
Méga réservoirs, Qatar
Plus plusPlus


Systèmes sur mesure pour les grands projets de construction

Pour les deux autres secteurs d'activité de construction de Dextra, les systèmes de barres d'ingénierie et les solutions d'ingénierie du sol, Dextra distribue directement ses solutions sur mesure aux entrepreneurs locaux et internationaux de la région.

Nos projets typiques incluent des infrastructures telles que des ports, des terminaux pétroliers et gaziers, des aéroports, des ponts et des viaducs, mais également de grands bâtiments tels que des centres commerciaux.

Chaussée Jaber, Koweït
Green Duba ISCC, Arabie Saoudite
Terminal d'Aqaba, Jordanie


Alors que nous préparons déjà les 15 prochaines années, les solutions Dextra ont commencé à adopter les innovations qui rendront le secteur de la construction productif de demain, notamment la préfabrication et la révolution numérique BIM.

Toute l’équipe du Moyen-Orient a hâte de vous rencontrer prochainement pour discuter avec vous des formidables projets qui créeront le Moyen-Orient des 15 prochaines années !

Contactez notre équipe de Dubaï

Precaster: Insert Groutec connections in AutoCAD, Tekla, Revit

Are you familiar with the Groutec sleeve system? Groutec is Dextra main precast connection solution. It consists of a sleeve fixed onto the reinforcement inside the precast element thanks to a threaded connection.

At the construction site, connection between two precast elements is achieved by injecting non-proprietary grout in the coupler’s cavity, removing all need for an in-situ wet joint between.

Dextra Groutec AutoCAD tool

How to get started ?

1. Download and install AutoCAD palette .zip >> Download (registration required)
2. Download and open Groutec datasheet >> Download (registration required)
3. Gather precast element dimensions and reinforcement detail.
4. In AutoCAD, insert couplers and/or positioning accessories. Change rebar size by simply clicking on blue arrow..
5. After insertion, product order codes can be retrieved by double clicking on coupler.

Beat rebar congestion with Headed Bars

Headed Bars for shear reinforcement

Headed Bars are anchorages made of a rebar prepared with a thread on which is fixed an end anchor (the head). They generally act as a substitute to hooks in congested reinforcement areas.
Headed Bars are a way for designers to reduce steel congestion. Contractors also appreciate Headed Bars as they improve concrete flow and are easy/fast to install (double heads especially can be locked by rotating the anchor).

Headed Bars are fully compatible with Dextra threaded systems. On Bartec, Fortec, Rolltec, the end anchor is fixed on an A-type threaded rebar. For Griptec, the anchors fit onto a male sleeve. No extra equipment is required.

For more information about technical uses for Headed Bars, please visit the dedicated page:

See all applications

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