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Dextra to attend Solscope 2021 in France

Dextra at Solscope 2021

Dextra will be exhibiting at Solscope, an international exhibition for the geotechnical, drilling and special foundations sectors on 23rd and 24th June 2021.

Come and meet our specialists at booth number H2, Lyon Euroexpo, Lyon, France and discover a selection of our latest geotechnical solutions and projects.


A lightweight, easy-to-install tube systems for concrete integrity testing in foundations using the Crosshole Sonic Logging (CSL) test method.

Astec Active Anchors

A cut-able active anchor made of Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) material, which is cut-able and can be excavated by any standard equipment.

Geotec Rock-Bolts

High performance fiberglass and steel bolts covering all types of applications.

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