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Dextra America launches US made Sonitec CSL tubes

Sonitec US

Dextra America has launched a US made “push fit” designed sonic tube system for Crosshole Sonic Logging (CSL) testing of concrete. Sonitec tubes facilitate the integrity testing of foundations using the CSL testing method and are compliant with ASTM D6760. Sonitec CSL tubes are designed specifically for CSL testing and provide a safer and quicker solution when secured in reinforcement cages.

Sonitec comes in two different models, the Sonitec Plus and Sonitec Slim. The Sonitec Plus is 2” Schedule 40 steel pipes with an enlarged end in a bell mouth shape for instant connection: it makes for quick and easy push-fit installation. It is produced in compliance to AASHTO (American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials) standard.

Sonitec Slim sports a lighter design, with a thinner wall thickness of .49” and a diameter of 2”, resulting in over 70% weight reduction. It also features the same “push fit” design for quick and easy installation.

Both models are tested and qualified in the U.S.A and exceed pressure of 725 psi for one minute.

Despite being a recent addition to Dextra America’s product portfolio, Sonitec CSL tubes have been trusted on jobs for over 20 years and are the preferred solution for piling and general contractors worldwide. Sonitec saves time and labor in the field and offers a safe and quick solution for a perfect CSL testing environment.

Sonitec is now proudly made in the U.S.A. with U.S. steel, thus fully compliant with Buy America and Buy American Acts.

Download Sonitec US brochure

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