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Deliveries for Riyadh Metro stations

riyadh metro

Le métro de Riyad est un vaste projet de système de transport urbain en construction à Riyad, en Arabie Saoudite. Le projet comprendra 85 gares, construites le long de 6 lignes de transport en commun, pour une longueur ferroviaire totale de 176 km. Il est prévu que le système desservira au moins 1 million de passagers par jour lors de son inauguration en 2018.

For this large infrastructure project, Dextra Middle East has been involved on various stations and packages.

Travaux d'excavation

Before proceeding with general construction works, during early excavation phase, it is required to anchor retaining walls back into the stable ground in order to prevent any wall displacement. This will allow to keep excavating in a safe environment.

For that purpose, Dextra supplied steel ground anchors installed through retaining wall. Each system is based on a high-tensile fully threaded bar, coming with nut and plate, and grouted to provide bonding with the soil.

Connexions de radeau et verticales

Coupleurs de barres d'armature Bartec were supplied for the works in the stations. Couplers were used for slabs, column and wall connections. A typicall application on this project is to cast rebar couplers in the concrete with reinforcement, and then proceed with second phase bar connection at a later stage.

Unitec bolted couplers can have also been use on various parts of the project. Typically Unitec is used when overlap is planned but lapping length appear to be too short to perform a safe splice. In that case Unitec provides a convenient and full performance connection.

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