Groupe Dextra | Connexions fiables

Cebu-Cordova Link Expressway (CCLEX), pont colossal aux Philippines

Cebu-Cordova Link Expressway (CCLEX), a colossal bridge in the Philippines

Cebu–Cordova Link Expressway is one of the biggest infrastructure projects being undertaken in the Philippines. The project features a combination of a causeway, a gigantic cable-stayed bridge that will cross the navigable zone of the Cebu Strait, two viaducts, and four low-height bridges, as well as roadways and pedestrian walkways.
The CCLEX Project aims to provide better transport facilities while reducing traffic congestion in the region, as well as to improve connectivity within Cebu City. It is also intended to support Cordova’s economic growth, as the expressway will position the city as the gateway for island tourism.
Also known as the Third Mandaue–Mactan Bridge, the official groundbreaking of the toll bridge was in 2017, with the completion being scheduled for 2022.


Pont à haubans pour relier Cebu et l'île de Mactan

After its completion, the Cebu-Cordova Expressway will link the Cebu mainland and Mactan Island through Cordova town. The 8.5 km-long toll bridge will feature two lanes that will serve up to 40,000 vehicles a day. The main bridge will be built with a 400-meter cable-stayed main span, with 60-meter navigation clearance, allowing ships to easily navigate through the expressway.
The main bridge of the expressway will connect the Guadalupe River to Shell Island in Cordova, while its colossal viaducts will link it to the causeway and road networks to Mactan.


Dextra Bartec, reinforcing solutions for the construction of the Cebu-Cordova Bridge

The design and the construction of this megaproject are undertaken by the Cebu Link Joint Venture (CLJV). The CLJV is a joint-venture partnership between the Spain-based Acciona Construccion S.A. and the Philippines-based First Balfour Inc. and D.M. Consunji Inc.
For the reinforcement of the colossal expressway’s foundations, the contractor has chosen Dextra’s well-known rebar splicing solution Bartec. More than 35,000 units of Standard, Bridging, and Transition splices of steel grade 75, both in diameters 40 and 50, have been applied to the foundations’ piling cages as of July 2018. Moreover, to provide better end anchorages in congested areas, the CLJV opted for Dextra Bartec headed bars, which are also known as end anchors. Bartec end anchors are a convenient alternative to hooked bars, traditionally used for anchoring.


For more information about rebar coupler availability in the Philippines, please contact our Bureau de Bangkok.

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