Groupe Dextra | Connexions fiables

Coulé en place

Coulé en place

Applications typiques

With rebar couplers, columns can be cast to their full height, resulting in a faster construction cycle.

Without couplers, a lap length is required for continuation bar connections. The formwork must be custom-made with holes for the rebars, which often leads to concrete leakage.

Without couplers, the Noyau principal can only be cast floor by floor, along with the slab. Couplers simplify the construction process!

Couplers not only eliminate unnecessary rebar costs and reduce rebar wastage by up to 10%, but they also reduce rebar congestion at lap areas.

Couplers help maintain the load path and structural integrity, while also reducing the cost associated with the overlap length of rebar.

Bending and unbending the bars requires more tools and may increase the risk of bar breakage. Couplers make the installation of continuation bars easier.

To connect pre-fabricated cages, caging couplers offer a more flexible and faster method than traditional bar welding.

The use of couplers results in a faster construction cycle and more efficient rebar connections.

When space is limited on the project site for installing a tower crane for high-rise construction, an opening in the floor slabs is required. By leaving bridging couplers inside the slabs, reconnection becomes easier and more time-efficient.

The absence of protruding bars on the main Pile allows for the use of climbing or slipform systems, enabling faster construction cycles.

Nos solutions

Bartec® / Fortec® est un système d'épissure mécanique à filetage parallèle conçu pour le raccordement de barres d'armature pour béton de Ø12 à 50 mm (ASTM #4 à #18).

Les coupleurs Bartec® / Fortec® sont conçus et fabriqués conformément à l'Eurocode 2, BS 8110, DIN 1045, ACI 318, IBC, AASHTO, ASME Sec III Div 2.


Bar-end Preparation Equipment

Advanced full-performance rebar splice Griptec® is a full performance (tension / compression / cyclic / fatigue) Liaison d'armatures system designed to comply with the world’s most stringent project specifications. Griptec is the preferred system for nuclear reactor buildings worldwide.

Chaque connexion est testée 100%



30-40 secondes

Per bar-end

One operator, one machine


Solution de coupleur de barres d'armature légère et productive.

This splicing system based on cold-rolled parallel threads requires only a single machine and a single operator for its rebar preparation. Like all Dextra splicing systems, Rolltec® offers the full range of splice solutions (standard, position, transition, caging) and covers a large range of both metric and imperial measurements.

Processus en 2 étapes

Fil à rouler
Alternative d'ancrage aux barres à crochets et longue longueur de développement. Têtes d'ancrage are a simple and effective alternative to hooks and long development lengths. A compact disc is mounted onto the Armatures bar end. The assembly of the rebar and the anchor provides an anchorage superior to long straight or bent Armatures bars while being simpler and faster to install. Têtes d'ancrage contribute to reducing rebar congestion in the heavily reinforced area, which ultimately eases the compaction process and result in better concrete quality in key areas of the structure.
PRFV rebar for permanent applications. Corrosion-free alternative to steel rebar, PRFV rebar allow contractors to substitute steel rebar with Composite non-corrosive and non-metallic Armatures. ASTEC Glass Rebar can be used for both new construction or as a strengthening material. ASTEC PRFV rebar solutions offer very high tensile performances for a light weight: up to 8 times the performance / weight ratio of steel. Since 1996, Dextra has established new standards becoming the worldwide reference in PRF rebar manufacturing, made by pultrusion. Precursor of this technology, we have successfully supplied thousands of projects all around the world. For more information, please refer to our technical documentation. Dextra design team is also available to assist with the design and optimization of your PRFV rebar applications.
Composite PRFV Rebar.

As a corrosion-free alternative to steel rebar, Dextra has been a leader in the Composite industry for the past 25 years, manufacturing high-quality PRF solutions for large infrastructure projects.

The company excels in providing comprehensive solutions to its customers, with expertise in designing concrete structures reinforced with PRFV rebars.

All Durabar™ PRFV rebars are produced in Dextra’s ISO-9001 and ISO-14001 certified factories in China and India, following the company’s strict quality assurance policy.


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