Fécamp Offshore Wind Farm
The 497 MW wind farm, located between 13 and 22 kilometers off the coast of Fécamp, France, includes 71 Gravity Based Structures (GBS: Gravity Based Structures), each of which will support a 180-meter-high windmill. The project will generate electricity equivalent to the power needs of more than 416,000 homes.
Dextra Fortec couplers and headed bars were supplied for these benefits.
Fortec couplers
Dextra couplers are based on a Parallel Thread technology. The same couplers are used for standard connection (when the continuation bar can be rotated) and position connection (when neither bar can be rotated). For Fécamp, the site was equipped with sets of threading equipment.
Headed bars
Dextra headed bars were used as an efficient solution for the vertical reinforcement of the foundation. They are an excellent alternative to standard hooked bars, which are difficult to install, particularly when bent on both ends, and to a bonded length of straight or bent rebar acting as an anchorage.