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Puente Zuari: impresionante puente atirantado y accesos en Goa, India Occidental

Puente Zuari: impresionante puente atirantado y accesos en Goa, India Occidental

The Zuari bridge is a 640-meter long 8-lane cable-stayed bridge laying across the massive river Zuari in Goa. The project also includes 450-meter long elevated approaches with only 2 pillars, along with a 12-kilometer detour. The total value of the project is estimated at $227M.

This new bridge will solve the long commute problems across the two banks of the river. Additionally, with the wider span than the old one, this shall also take care of the growing vehicular traffic which its predecessor built some 30 years back.

With the new bridge, the Public Work Department (PWD) aims to improve road safety and ease traffic flow. Two towers and viewing galleries will also be added for tourism purposes. Being started in 2016, the project is planned to be finished in 2019.

Parallel-threaded rebar couplers for the bridge’s pile cages and pylons

For this massive project in Goa, Dextra has been supplying its popular parallel-threaded rebar splicing solutions Bartec for Fe 500 and Fe 600 Grade steel. More than 110K Bartec couplers are getting installed in Pile cages and Pile caps. This is one of the iconic bridge project, may be one of its kind, with Fe 600 grade steel to be a part of Pile caps and Fe 500 grade steel in piles up to 48 meter deep. Pylon is 103 meter in height and designed with Fe 600 grade steel as well.

Bartec is a full performance mechanical rebar couplers, with no reduction of cross-section area of the bar thanks to their parallel-threads. This characteristic makes the rebar connections a strong point of the structure, and can also simplify the project’s inventory: one type of coupler for both standard and position applications.

The bar-end preparation is also supported by 3 high-productivity machines which prepare each bar in sequence: cutting, cold forging and threading.

Dextra post-tensioning bars for precast elements and segment castings

In addition to Bartec couplers, for the bridge’s precast segments, the contractors also opted for Dextra post-tensioning bar systems. PT bars helps the project’s stakeholders carry out the erection of precast segments and the casting of the segments in time, and in a quality controlled manner.

More than 500 sets of pt bars were delivered to the project as of November 2018. Dextra has made supplies to Dilip Buildcon for Yard applications and Launching.

Also, for phase III of the project, Dextra has made supplies to NRS for PT bars and accessories.

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En cada momento del recorrido de su cliente, los equipos de Dextra se dedican a la producción de soluciones de construcción inteligentes que permiten a nuestros clientes alcanzar mayores niveles de productividad y seguridad en sus sitios de construcción.

Dextra mantiene stocks físicos en varios continentes, complementados en cada país con los inventarios locales de nuestros distribuidores. Con esta red ampliada, Dextra se asegura de que nuestros productos estén siempre a su alcance sin importar dónde se encuentren nuestros socios.

Para soluciones que requieren personalización, Dextra también puede ir más allá de nuestros plazos de entrega estándar y ofrecer esquemas de entrega acelerados. Consúltenos para más información.

Desde 3 importantes sitios industriales ubicados en Bangkok (Tailandia), Guangzhou (China) y Pune (India), Dextra posee completamente sus instalaciones y procesos de fabricación. Esto nos permite tener un control total sobre el tiempo de nuestras operaciones y la calidad de las soluciones producidas.

En la fábrica principal de Dextra en Bangkok hay un laboratorio de pruebas de materiales acreditado de forma independiente, acreditado según ISO-IEC17025, que permite realizar pruebas de materiales y productos.

Dextra tiene como objetivo suministrar productos que superen las aprobaciones técnicas internacionales más exigentes y nuestro objetivo es crear la máxima satisfacción del cliente cumpliendo con sus necesidades y requisitos específicos.

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