At Dextra, environmental management is a systematic process carried out throughout the whole lifecycle of the product.
Diseño sostenible
Cadena de suministro sostenible
El material que utilizamos para nuestros productos es acero reciclado.
We evaluate and rate the environmental performance of the steel mills we work with and propose to our customers solutions adapted to their environmental needs
Planta de producción sostenible
Siempre preferimos procesos de producción sostenibles: nuestras roscas de barra diseñadas se procesan sin desperdicio de acero.
Our coupler manufacturing processes offer a reduction of the raw material weight of 23% and a reduction of the steel waste of 21%.
Our GFRP production lines and our couplers production lines are equipped with hoods directing the air to a filtering system.
We are equipped with our wastewater treatment plant allowing us to exceed the environmental standards set by the local regulatory agencies.
Todas nuestras plantas se gestionan a través de un sistema de gestión ambiental proactivo. Nuestra planta de Guangzhou y nuestras plantas de Bangkok cuentan con la certificación ISO14001. La certificación de nuestra planta de Pune está prevista para 2025.
We maintain a comprehensive library of Environmental Product Declarations (EPD) so that we can communicate transparently on the GHG emissions of the products in our catalog, as well as monitor regularly our progress in terms of decarbonization. Our EPDs are available upon request.