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Reinforcing highway girders with post tensioning bar systems

Postensado Bar systems are highly customizable and versatile solutions allowing for multiple applications in bridge/viaduct construction.

Dextra has recently supplied customized PT bar systems for the reinforcement of precast girder segments used on the Bang Pa In – Saraburi – Nakhon Ratchasima highway in the North-East of Bangkok.

El Sistemas de barras postensadas, made of hot rolled deformed high-tensile bars (FT bars) Ø36mm, allow for the vertical reinforcement of the precast segments, with up to 14 sets per girder element.

Each bar will be jacked and put under the required tension from the top of each element while on the ground. After that the girder is lifted and installed in its final position.

Permanent corrosion protection will be achieved by filling a galvanized duct around the bar with grout.

More about Fully Threaded Bar Systems

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