Grupo Dextra | Conexiones confiables

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Bangkok MRT Blue Line extension

Bangkok, Thailand.

On the 24th of March 2016, Tunnel Boring Machine successfully broke through Dextra ASTEC Soft Eyes in d-wall of Wang Burapha Station (Burapha/Charoen Krung rd.). Soft Eyes are temporary structures made of cut-able GFRP bars that allow TBMs to pass through, saving much efforts and time for the tunnel creation. More information about ASTEC Soft Eyes.

Rebar couplers for the world’s highest tower

The tower which will soon become the highest building in the world is currently being built in Saudi Arabia. Jeddah Tower (previously called Kingdom Tower) is expected to break the one-kilometer mark, making it 180 meters higher than the Burj Khalifa Tower in Dubai. The tower structure has been engineered by consulting firm Thornton Tomasetti and is built by contractor Saudi Bin Laden.

Jeddah Tower will ultimately host a 200-rooms Four Seasons hotel, service apartments, several floors of offices and an observatory. A total of 59 elevators will allow visitors to move between floors.

To support this engineering prowess, Dextra is proudly delivering Bartec Couplers for both foundations and superstructure packages of the Jeddah Tower. Two main types of Bartec couplers are used: Standard and Bridging Assemblies.

See full project

Worldwide teams gather in Thailand to prepare 2016!

Dextra worlwide teams recently gathered in Bangkok, Thailand, to prepare the roadmap for 2016!

The hard work week was topped by a couple of team building days on the seaside near Pattaya, which included diverse activities such as go kart, sailing on a pirate boat, and, of course, degustation of delicious Thai food.

Teams are now ready for 2016! Way to go Dextra teams!


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Quality & Safety days in Bangkok

Quality excellence and safety first!

This could be the motto of this 3rd edition of the Dextra Manufacturing Quality & Safety days taking place at our Bangkok factory on the 14 and 17 of November.


Nouveau !

For two days, Quality and HR departments team up to organize activities promoting quality awareness and safety practices among office staff and factory operators.

This annual event is also an opportunity for the management to reward those who contributed the most through their daily actions to the production of qualitative products in the safest environment possible.


With quality and safety key indicators continuously improving over the last 3 years despite the large increase of our production volume, peaking at more than 1.1 million couplers monthly in 2014, there is no doubt that quality efforts of our manufacturing teams paid off in 2014. Congratulations!

qualitydays crowd

​Dextra Industry and Transport – now establishing ISO 14001

With high concern of environment and safety, Dextra Industry and Transport now establishing our Environmental Management System as widely known as ISO 14001 : 2004.

We are proud to communicate our strong intention of environmental care through our environmental policy as follows:

  • We will comply with relevant environmental regulations, registration and all environmental issue.
  • We will continually improve and prevent pollution by disposing of waste according to regulated means.
  • We will educate, train and share our environmental policy and experience with members of our  organization, customers and vendors in order to encourage environmental awareness and excellence.
  • We will incorporate safe practice in usage, through environmental program, objective and target.
  • We strive in the way not creating any global warming or any pollution to the environment.
  • Our aim on environment activities policies is to ensure that we sell product and services  with concept of preservation of ecology and society.


Dextra part of Chinese nuclear history

In July, the first Griptec connections were produced on the site of the 5th reactor of Fuqing nuclear power plant, located in the Chinese province of Fujian.

Dextra is thrilled to be part of the construction of the first reactor to be built after a 100% Chinese design. Griptec connections will be used over the next 5 years, mainly in the aircraft protective shell.

Griptec is the preferred rebar splicing solution of the nuclear industry thanks to its unique performance and an automatic proofing process which tests 100% of the connections.

Griptec has been supplied to nuclear projects like Taishan EPR in China and Flamanville 3 EPR in France.

For more information, please refere to Griptec product page.

Success at the inaugural World Nuclear Exhibition

Dextra Europe was present at the first World Nuclear Exhibition occuring in Paris from the 14 to the 16th of October this year. Dextra team demonstrated during 3 days the use of our Griptec GP40 rebar equipment: processing bars of various diameters on the booth in front of the audience, including France Prime Minister Manuel Valls (see picture above).

Griptec is a unique rebar splicing solution engineered to match nuclear industry’s highest standards. Its rebar preparation equipments feature a unique automatic proofing process guaranteeing that 100% of the rebar connections prepared match project requirement.

Learn more about Griptec

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