Grupo Dextra | Conexiones confiables

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COVID-19 preventive measures

The safety and security of our employees, customers, and other stakeholders are our top priorities.

Dextra Group has implemented measures based on guidance received from local authorities in order to help prevent the spread of COVID-19 infections.

These measures include:

– Either normal work, alternate work or work from home according to the local health authorities’ recommendations.

– For all employees in our offices or factories, strict social distancing and strict limitation of visitors allowed in Dextra’s premises.

– Reduction of meetings and contact with third parties to the bare minimum.

– Extensive access to sanitizing and protection products.

– Deep cleaning and fumigation of facilities whenever applicable.

– Cancellation of all travels, domestic and international.

For the time being, each Dextra affiliate will keep enforcing and updating its preventive measures according to the local regulations.

Despite the critical situation worldwide, Dextra team is committed more than ever to provide the best service possible to its customers while guaranteeing the safety of all parties involved.

Our factory in India, which serves only the local market, is complying with the complete lockdown imposed by the Indian government. Our main factories, in Thailand and China, are currently fully operational and delivering goods and services as usual. Their supply chains are not hampered by the current restrictions.

Please follow the indications of the World Health Organization and local governmental health agencies in order to prevent unnecessary risks, minimize the spreading of the virus and be safe.

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