Grupo Dextra | Conexiones confiables

Retención y Estabilización del Suelo

Retención y Estabilización del Suelo

Aplicaciones Típicas

Nuestras soluciones

Geotec steel anchors

Los anclajes de suelo de acero Geotec de Dextra se pueden utilizar en aplicaciones tanto activas como pasivas y también ofrecen protección contra la corrosión junto con una amplia gama de accesorios, tamaños de barras de refuerzo y calidades.

Se pueden utilizar tanto en aplicaciones temporales como permanentes, lo que los hace versátiles y adaptables para adaptarse a las necesidades de su proyecto.

Solución de anclaje postensado de FRP

Active anchors are post-tensioned from the external face of the ground immediately after installation and is usually designed to help prevent deformation of the ground or retained structure. It has a free length and a bonded length.

A typical application for active anchors is anchoring of retaining walls during excavation works. To prevent the wall from the smallest displacement, the anchor is pre-loaded.
ASTEC active anchors is made of composite material, which is by nature cuttable. The tendons can be excavated by any standard equipment, therefore anchor removal is never required.

Solución de anclaje pasivo para estabilización de taludes

A passive anchor is not pre-tensioned. Applied loads are transmitted from the ground or ground structure directly. A passive anchor does not usually have a free (unbonded) length of tendon.
A typical application for passive anchors is the stabilization of soil-covered slopes, which are constantly moving due to gravity. In that case, passive anchors are inserted from the face of the slope into the stable ground and grouted to provide preventive anchoring in case the soil starts moving.

Solución de anclaje pasivo para estabilización de taludes

Passive anchors are not pre-tensioned. Applied loads are transmitted from the ground or ground structure directly. A passive anchor does not usually have a free (unbonded) length of tendon.
A typical application for passive anchors is the stabilization of soil-covered slopes, which are constantly moving due to gravity. In that case, passive anchors are inserted from the face of the slope into the stable ground and grouted to provide preventive anchoring in case the soil starts moving.