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​Dextra Industry and Transport – now establishing ISO 14001

With high concern of environment and safety, Dextra Industry and Transport now establishing our Environmental Management System as widely known as ISO 14001 : 2004.

We are proud to communicate our strong intention of environmental care through our environmental policy as follows:

  • We will comply with relevant environmental regulations, registration and all environmental issue.
  • We will continually improve and prevent pollution by disposing of waste according to regulated means.
  • We will educate, train and share our environmental policy and experience with members of our  organization, customers and vendors in order to encourage environmental awareness and excellence.
  • We will incorporate safe practice in usage, through environmental program, objective and target.
  • We strive in the way not creating any global warming or any pollution to the environment.
  • Our aim on environment activities policies is to ensure that we sell product and services  with concept of preservation of ecology and society.


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