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Coupler performance tests at elevated temperatures

The Imperial College London tested Dextra Bartec/Fortec and Griptec couplers at elevated temperatures to evaluate how the couplers would perform in case of a fire.

Highlights of the test include:

  • The findings indicate that current codified rules can be used for assessing the strength and stiffness properties of both non-spliced rebar and rebar connected with Bartec/Fortec or Griptec couplers.
  • At temperatures below 400°C the ultimate tensile strength and stiffness of Bartec/Fortec and Griptec splices, as well as un-spliced rebar is not significantly affected.
  • When tensile tested at temperatures below 500°C, failure still generally occurred in the rebar outside of the Bartec/Fortec or Griptec coupler region.
  • Please read full article below:

    Dextra Bartec/Fortec and Griptec rebar couplers at elevated temperatures

    Dextra have recently collaborated with Imperial College London to investigate the performance of rebar couplers at elevated temperatures, simulating temperatures which could occur in rebar due to fire, both before and after concrete spalling.

    Standard 16mm and 20mm Bartec/Fortec and Griptec couplers were used, as well as non-spliced reinforcement and tests conducted at ambient, elevated steady state and transient elevated temperatures.

    testing machine

    schematic representation of the testing arrangement

    a) testing machine, b) schematic representation of the testing arrangement

    Codified procedures for the fire design of reinforced concrete structures typically give prescriptive recommendations for rebar/coupler cover with the aim of protecting the reinforcement from reaching temperatures above a critical value of around 500°C.

    The test results show that:

  • For both spliced and un-spliced specimens there is a gradual decrease in yield strength as temperature increases.
  • At temperatures below 400°C the ultimate tensile strength and stiffness of the spliced and un-spliced specimens is not significantly affected.
  • When tensile tested at temperatures below 500°C, failure still generally occurred in the rebar outside of the coupler region.
  • The findings also indicate that current codified rules can be used for assessing the strength and stiffness properties of both non-spliced rebar and rebar connected with Bartec/Fortec or Griptec couplers.

    However, the code assumptions regarding the ultimate strain characteristics at elevated temperatures were found to be unrealistic for hot rolled rebar, as well as rebar connected by couplers.

    Need more information about our couplers?

    Discover our coupler range


    Bompa, D. V., & Elghazouli, A. Y. (2019). Elevated temperature characteristics of steel reinforcement incorporating threaded mechanical couplers. Fire Safety Journal, 104, 8–21.

    New CAD/BIM tools for Unitec bolted couplers!

    New CAD/BIM components of Unitec couplers are now available for AutoCAD, Revit and Tekla.

    Unitec® is a bolted splicing system used in repair works for the connection of two rebars which haven’t been previously prepared (that is, no threads).

    Unitec coupler features a long hollow body which will bond with the rebar. Several screws will lock both bar ends and complete the connection.

    You can download the components now for free!

    Dextra Unitec couplers on Revit

    Wie man anfängt?

    1. Download and install Unitec coupler component:

        • Für AutoCAD-Benutzer: Download HIER (Registrierung benötigt)

        • Für Revit-Benutzer: Download HIER (Registrierung benötigt)

        • Für Tekla-Benutzer: Herunterladen HIER (Registrierung benötigt)

    2. Extrahieren Sie die Datei in den gewünschten Ordner auf Ihrem Laptop.

    3. Follow the step-by-step instructions detailed in the file named “readme.pdf”

    4. Select the right coupler size based on your project requirements. Draw the full structure.

    5. Sie können Produktspezifikationshinweise schließlich direkt in AutoCAD, Revit und Tekla hinzufügen.


    Die Sicherheit unserer Mitarbeiter, Kunden und anderer Interessengruppen hat für uns oberste Priorität.

    Die Dextra Group hat auf der Grundlage der Leitlinien der örtlichen Behörden Maßnahmen umgesetzt, um die Ausbreitung von COVID-19-Infektionen zu verhindern.

    Zu diesen Maßnahmen gehören:

    – Entweder normale Arbeit, alternative Arbeit oder Arbeit von zu Hause aus gemäß den Empfehlungen der örtlichen Gesundheitsbehörden.

    – Für alle Mitarbeiter in unseren Büros oder Fabriken gilt eine strikte soziale Distanzierung und eine strikte Beschränkung der Besucherzahl in den Räumlichkeiten von Dextra.

    – Reduzierung von Besprechungen und Kontakten mit Dritten auf das notwendige Minimum.

    – Umfassender Zugang zu Desinfektions- und Schutzprodukten.

    – Gegebenenfalls gründliche Reinigung und Begasung der Anlagen.

    – Stornierung aller Reisen im In- und Ausland.

    Vorerst wird jede Dextra-Tochtergesellschaft weiterhin ihre Präventivmaßnahmen gemäß den örtlichen Vorschriften durchsetzen und aktualisieren.

    Trotz der kritischen Situation weltweit ist das Dextra-Team mehr denn je bestrebt, seinen Kunden den bestmöglichen Service zu bieten und gleichzeitig die Sicherheit aller Beteiligten zu gewährleisten.

    Unsere Fabrik in Indien, die nur den lokalen Markt beliefert, hält sich an die von der indischen Regierung verhängte vollständige Sperrung. Unsere Hauptfabriken in Thailand und China sind derzeit voll funktionsfähig und liefern wie gewohnt Waren und Dienstleistungen. Ihre Lieferketten werden durch die aktuellen Beschränkungen nicht beeinträchtigt.

    Bitte befolgen Sie die Hinweise der Weltgesundheitsorganisation und der örtlichen Gesundheitsbehörden, um unnötige Risiken zu vermeiden, die Ausbreitung des Virus zu minimieren und sicher zu sein.

    Headed Bar calculation tool released

    Dextra Green Industry

    We are pleased to announce the release of the Headed Bar Calculation Tool, available for Bartec/Fortec, Griptec and Rolltec product ranges.

    Mit diesem Dokument können Konstrukteure auf einfache Weise die Mindestanforderungen an Kanten und Abstände, die Begrenzungsbewehrung und, falls erforderlich, den Beitrag der Bewehrungsstabbindung für Stäbe mit Dextra-Kopf berechnen.

    The new release is complementary to the Arup/Dextra step by step design guide, which is intended as a non-contradictory supplement to Eurocode 2.

    Vereinfachen Sie Ihre Arbeit und nutzen Sie die Vorteile der Dextra-Tools!

    Laden Sie das Berechnungstool herunter

    Download the Dextra/Arup design guide

    Groutec won “Best Innovative Product” from CIA World Magazine India

    Best Innovative Product of the Year Awards

    We are very pleased to announce that Dextra won “Best Innovative Product of the Year – Groutec Coupler for Precast” at the ceremony of the CIA World Builders & Building Materials Awards in India.

    Groutec precast connection coupler has been selected as the winner in the category of “Best Innovative Product” by the commitee of the CIA World Magazine based on the determined parameters under the nominated category.

    The CIA World Builders & Building Materials Awards focus on 6 categories that have been carefully selected to exemplify the best practices of the residential, commercial, industrial and hospitality sectors, and aim to recognize, encourage and motivate the construction companies.

    Dextra India team attended the award ceremony, led by Mr. Jitendra, General Manager and Mr. Suniil, Sales Director on February 29, 2020 at Grand Hyatt, Mumbai.

    Need more information about our Groutec coupler?

    Click here for more details

    Dextra Manufacturing certified Green Industry

    Dextra Green Industry

    Dextra Manufacturing has been certified Green Industry (level 3) for its manufacturing facilities

    The Green Industry certification is provided by the Ministry of Industry of Thailand to companies that show high commitment to environmentally-friendly entrepreneurship.

    The Green industry certification is divided into 5 levels, which are

    Level 1: Green Commitment is a commitment to reduce environmental impact and communicate internally.

    Level 2: Green Activity is an implementation of activities to reduce the impact on the environment.

    Level 3: Green System is related to systematic environmental management, monitoring, evaluation and review for continuous development.

    Level 4: Green Culture is that everyone in the organization cooperates and works together in an environmentally friendly way, in all aspects of the business operations until becoming part of the corporate culture.

    Level 5: Green Network is a demonstration of expanding the environmantally friendly way of operations throughout the business network by supporting partners and alliances to follow the Green Industry practices.

    The continuous improvement of our production process goes hand in hand with our concern for the environment and the community where we operate.

    Let’s all work together for a greener future!

    New CAD/BIM tools for weldable couplers!

    New CAD/BIM components of weldable couplers are available for AutoCAD, Revit and Tekla.

    Weldable couplers are used for composite construction where concrete reinforcement bars must be welded to structural steel.

    The couplers are specially made from low carbon steel and have a large chamfer for bevel welding.

    You can download the component now for free!

    Dextra weldable couplers on Revit

    Wie man anfängt?

    1. Download and install weldable coupler component:

        • Für AutoCAD-Benutzer: Download HIER (Registrierung benötigt)

        •   For Revit and Tekla user, download HIER (Registrierung benötigt)

    2. Extrahieren Sie die Datei in den gewünschten Ordner auf Ihrem Laptop.

    3. Follow the step-by-step instructions detailed in the file named “readme.pdf”

    4. Select the right coupler size based on your project requirements. Draw the full structure.

    5. Sie können Produktspezifikationshinweise schließlich direkt in AutoCAD, Revit und Tekla hinzufügen.

    Seismic performance tests in collaboration with Imperial College London

    Large-scale beam-column tests incorporating Bartec/Fortec and Griptec couplers located at the expected plastic hinge zone, together with un-spliced rebar specimens, have been performed under loading simulating seismic load conditions.

    Highlights of the test include:

      •    Both coupler systems allowed the development of ultimate rotation levels that are likely to be adequate for typical seismic design situations.

     •  The capacity was largely the same for all non-axially loaded members, suggesting that the use of Bartec/Fortec and Griptec couplers do not notably influence the member capacity.

    Please read full article below:

    The seismic performance of reinforced concrete members incorporating Dextra Bartec/Fortec and Griptec couplers

    Ductility is a key performance characteristic for concrete reinforcement used in seismic design. The ductility of mechanical rebar splices, when used in seismic design, is therefore also extremely important and sometimes not sufficiently considered in product standards and testing practices.

    Dextra recently collaborated with Imperial College London, in an experimental study and associated numerical assessment, into the performance of mechanical slices in dissipative regions of reinforced concrete members.

    Monotonic and cyclic uniaxial ‘in-air’ and ‘in-concrete’ tests on 16mm and 20mm Bartec/Fortec and Griptec mechanical splices, as well as non-spliced reference members, were firstly performed.

    After obtaining a detailed insight into the uniaxial behavior of the mechanical splices, large-scale beam-column members of 300×300mm square cross-section and 1,350mm cantilever length were tested.

    The specimens were subjected to reversed cyclic lateral deformation, with or without co-existing axial load. Three specimens were provided with couplers in the expected plastic hinge zone while for comparison a fourth specimen had continuous longitudinal reinforcement.

    Prior to the large-scale member tests, predictive numerical simulations were performed in order to steer the experimental assessment.

    Seismic Performance Tests

    Christmas Party

    Specimens preparation a) reinforcement cages, b) members after formwork removal

    Seismic Performance Tests

    Christmas Party

    Specimens preparation a) using Bartec/Fortec, b) using Griptec

    The load-deformation responses showed that both uniaxial “in air” and “in concrete” Griptec couplers seemed to provide marginally less ductility than Bartec/Fortec splices and non-spliced specimens.

    However, it is thought that the ratios between coupler and rebar length considerably influenced the performance of the in-concrete tie members. The comparative assessment between in-air and in-concrete tests show lower ultimate deformations on in-concrete members in comparison with in-air samples.

    For the large-scale beam-column tests, the capacity was largely the same for all non-axially loaded members, suggesting that the use of Bartec/Fortec and Griptec couplers does not notably influence the member capacity.

    With regards to ductility, both coupler systems allowed the development of ultimate rotation levels that are likely to be adequate for typical seismic design situations, although Bartec/Fortec performed slightly better due to its shorter length.

    Need more information about our couplers?

    Discover our coupler range


    Bompa, D. V., & Elghazouli, A. Y. (2019). Inelastic cyclic behaviour of RC members incorporating threaded reinforcement couplers. Engineering Structures, 180, 468–483.

    Bompa, D. V., & Elghazouli, A. Y. (2018). Monotonic and cyclic performance of threaded reinforcement splices. Structures, 16, 358–372.

    Dextra showcased Groutec ranges at ICCX exhibition in Poland

    Dextra ICCX Booth

    The 2020 edition of the ICCX Central Europe exhibition was held in Warsaw (Poland), with a dedicated focus on concrete production, concrete products, and precast technology.

    Dextra joined the event with a dedicated booth and it managed to capture the interest of the visitors thanks to the innovative Groutec precast coupler solutions on display.

    For more information about the Groutec precast coupler, please click HIER

    Upcoming Event – ICCX Central Europe in Warsaw, Poland

    Dextra ICCX Booth

    Visit Dextra at the ICCX Central Europe 2020 exhibition, on February 12-13

    at Double Tree Hotel by Hilton Hotel & Conference, Warsaw, Poland

    Discover our well-known rebar connection solutions and latest precast element connection technology

    at booth #55, from 9AM to 6PM!

    Kontaktiere uns to arrange a meeting

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