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Uniqlo & Hive Indonesia Warehouse


Uniqlo & Hive Indonesia Warehouse


Indonesia’s building construction has spurred a need for rapid and efficient construction methods capable of meeting the demands of a burgeoning population. Precast construction has emerged as a solution to these challenges as it helps minimize on-site labor requirements, accelerates project timelines, and ensures consistent quality.

At the heart of successful precast construction lies the seamless connection between structural elements. Dextra supplied Groutec precast couplers for projects around the world, including Indonesia. Groutec in size 20mm were used in the Uniqlo & Hive Indonesia warehouse building project for joining precast columns, facilitating rapid and reliable assembly while ensuring structural integrity.

The couplers have minimized on-site labor requirements and accelerated project milestones. This not only translates to cost savings but also ensures timely delivery, allowing the building to fulfill its intended purpose sooner. Additionally, the couplers’ high-strength steel composition and stringent quality control measures guarantee robust connections that withstand the rigors of dynamic structural loads.


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