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Dextra Celebrates HR Excellence Awards 2024

Dextra Group Celebrates Big Wins at the HR Excellence Awards 2024! 🏆🌟

At the HR Excellence Awards 2024 Gala Dinner on August 23, Dextra Group once again distinguished itself, securing two remarkable wins: Best HR Team (SME) – Gold Award و Excellence in HR Change Management – Bronze Award. This event recognized organizations excelling in human resources through innovation and strategic execution.

Dextra’s Best HR Team (SME) gold award honored the team’s synergy and advancements in HR practices across talent acquisition, compensation, employee engagement, development, and organizational processes. The team’s efforts led to reduced turnover, higher employee satisfaction, and enhanced recruitment efficiency, solidifying their reputation for excellence.

ال Excellence in HR Change Management award acknowledged Dextra’s transformation of HR operations amidst global challenges. A pivotal two-day workshop created a roadmap focused on adaptability and innovation, with structured project management ensuring alignment with business goals. This approach demonstrated Dextra’s agility in navigating HR transformations.

These awards not only reflect our achievements but also reaffirm our commitment to pushing the boundaries of what is possible in HR. As we celebrate this accomplishment, we are inspired to continue innovating, setting new benchmarks, and delivering lasting impact for our organization and the wider HR community.

Dextra Thailand: Commitment to Community and Sustainability

In a heartfelt gesture of community support and environmental stewardship, Dextra Thailand made significant contributions to a local school near our factory in Bangkok. The day was filled with impactful activities, highlighting our dedication to sustainability and education.


Dextra Thailand donated unwanted office furniture, still in excellent condition, such as tables and chairs, to a nearby school. This initiative not only provided much-needed resources to enhance the school’s learning environment but also promoted the reuse of materials, aligning with our sustainability goals.

Activities with Green World Foundation

We partnered with the Green World Foundation to engage elementary school students in grades 5-7 in various environmental stewardship activities:

  • Waste Management Best Practices: Through interactive and engaging demonstrations, students learned effective waste management and reduction techniques. This activity promoted a cleaner and healthier environment for all.
  • Environmental Observation: Guided explorations encouraged students to observe and appreciate their natural surroundings. This fostered a deeper connection with nature and a greater understanding of its importance.
  • Creative Engagement: The highlight for many students was the terrarium DIY activity. This hands-on experience allowed children to combine artistic expression with environmental action, creating beautiful and sustainable mini ecosystems.

These activities not only educated the students on important environmental issues but also inspired them to take proactive steps in their daily lives to protect the planet.

Ongoing Commitment to ESG Goals

This dynamic event underscored Dextra Thailand’s ongoing commitment to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) goals. By supporting local communities and promoting environmental education, we continue to lead by example in fostering a sustainable future.

At Dextra Thailand, we believe that our efforts today will inspire the leaders of tomorrow. Together with our partners and community, we are dedicated to making a positive impact on both the environment and society.

Dextra Thailand Supports Cerebral Palsy Sport Association


CPSAT x Dextra Boccia Competition on June 17, 2024: Inspiring Inclusion and Generosity


The CPSAT x Dextra Boccia competition held on June 17, 2024, was a remarkable event that offered an enriching experience for all attendees. This event is part of our Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative to support and celebrate the incredible achievements and spirit of our community’s athletes.

Participants had the unique opportunity to gain valuable employee experience and interact with exceptional athletes from the Cerebral Palsy Sports Association of Thailand (CPSAT). This event not only showcased the incredible skills and determination of the disability athletes but also fostered a spirit of inclusivity and community.

A significant highlight of the day was the generous donation of THB 50,000 to CPSAT, which will support the athletes in their training and competition endeavors. Meeting and learning from these athletes was a highlight, inspiring everyone with their stories of perseverance and success.

The competition served as a powerful reminder of the importance of diversity and inclusion in sports and the workplace.


مجموعة Dextra تتألق في حفل توزيع جوائز تجربة الموظفين في تايلاند 2024!

وسط الأجواء النابضة بالحياة لحفل عشاء جوائز تجربة الموظفين في تايلاند 2024، برزت مجموعة Dextra بين المتنافسين الموقرين، وحققت أربعة انتصارات رائعة. احتفل هذا الحدث المهم، الذي أقيم في 15 مارس 2024، بالمنظمات المكرسة لرفع مستوى تجربة الموظفين، وتكريم أولئك الذين يتفوقون في تعزيز بيئات العمل الاستثنائية.


أشهر من الإعداد الدقيق توجت بقرار Dextra Group بالتنافس عبر ست فئات متنوعة، مما يعكس التزامنا الثابت بالتميز. بدءًا من صياغة إستراتيجيات قوية للتعافي بعد الوباء ووصولاً إلى رعاية المواهب من خلال برامج الشهادات المبتكرة، أكد كل تقديم على تفانينا في تعزيز رفاهية الموظفين والنمو المهني.


كانت المنافسة شرسة: دخلت المنافسة 28 شركة مرموقة، مع تنافس عمالقة الصناعة مثل adidas، وMondelēz، وEY، و Generali، و Central Retail، و Lenovo، على سبيل المثال لا الحصر، على أعلى الجوائز. ومع ذلك، وفي ظل هذه الخلفية، خرجت مجموعة ديكسترا منتصرة، وأظهرت مرونتنا وابتكارنا والتزامنا الثابت بالتميز.


ولم تكن انتصاراتنا أقل من مذهلة:


أفضل إدارة أزمات وقيادة: الجائزة الذهبية

أفضل برنامج ESG: الجائزة الذهبية

أفضل برنامج اعتماد داخلي: الجائزة الفضية

أفضل موقع توظيف داخلي: الجائزة الفضية


إن هذه الجوائز لا تعترف بإنجازاتنا فحسب، بل تؤكد أيضًا على مكانتنا كشركة رائدة في ابتكارات الموارد البشرية وأفضل الممارسات. إنها تعكس الجهود الجماعية لفرقنا المتفانية، التي كان لشغفها ومثابرتها دور فعال في دفع نجاح شركتنا.


وبينما نفكر في هذا الإنجاز التاريخي، فإننا نشعر بالإلهام لمواصلة تجاوز الحدود، ووضع معايير جديدة، وإحداث تأثير مفيد على مؤسستنا ومجتمع الموارد البشرية الأوسع. تعتبر جوائز تجربة الموظفين بمثابة شهادة على التزامنا الثابت بالتميز وتذكير قوي بما يمكن تحقيقه من خلال التعاون والتفاني والابتكار.

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