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مجموعة Dextra تتألق في حفل توزيع جوائز تجربة الموظفين في تايلاند 2024!

وسط الأجواء النابضة بالحياة لحفل عشاء جوائز تجربة الموظفين في تايلاند 2024، برزت مجموعة Dextra بين المتنافسين الموقرين، وحققت أربعة انتصارات رائعة. احتفل هذا الحدث المهم، الذي أقيم في 15 مارس 2024، بالمنظمات المكرسة لرفع مستوى تجربة الموظفين، وتكريم أولئك الذين يتفوقون في تعزيز بيئات العمل الاستثنائية.


أشهر من الإعداد الدقيق توجت بقرار Dextra Group بالتنافس عبر ست فئات متنوعة، مما يعكس التزامنا الثابت بالتميز. بدءًا من صياغة إستراتيجيات قوية للتعافي بعد الوباء ووصولاً إلى رعاية المواهب من خلال برامج الشهادات المبتكرة، أكد كل تقديم على تفانينا في تعزيز رفاهية الموظفين والنمو المهني.


كانت المنافسة شرسة: دخلت المنافسة 28 شركة مرموقة، مع تنافس عمالقة الصناعة مثل adidas، وMondelēz، وEY، و Generali، و Central Retail، و Lenovo، على سبيل المثال لا الحصر، على أعلى الجوائز. ومع ذلك، وفي ظل هذه الخلفية، خرجت مجموعة ديكسترا منتصرة، وأظهرت مرونتنا وابتكارنا والتزامنا الثابت بالتميز.


ولم تكن انتصاراتنا أقل من مذهلة:


أفضل إدارة أزمات وقيادة: الجائزة الذهبية

أفضل برنامج ESG: الجائزة الذهبية

أفضل برنامج اعتماد داخلي: الجائزة الفضية

أفضل موقع توظيف داخلي: الجائزة الفضية


إن هذه الجوائز لا تعترف بإنجازاتنا فحسب، بل تؤكد أيضًا على مكانتنا كشركة رائدة في ابتكارات الموارد البشرية وأفضل الممارسات. إنها تعكس الجهود الجماعية لفرقنا المتفانية، التي كان لشغفها ومثابرتها دور فعال في دفع نجاح شركتنا.


وبينما نفكر في هذا الإنجاز التاريخي، فإننا نشعر بالإلهام لمواصلة تجاوز الحدود، ووضع معايير جديدة، وإحداث تأثير مفيد على مؤسستنا ومجتمع الموارد البشرية الأوسع. تعتبر جوائز تجربة الموظفين بمثابة شهادة على التزامنا الثابت بالتميز وتذكير قوي بما يمكن تحقيقه من خلال التعاون والتفاني والابتكار.

الكشف عن مصنع Dextra الجديد في بيون، الهند

أخبار مثيرة من دكسترا! يسعدنا أن نعلن عن الافتتاح الناجح لمصنعنا الجديد تمامًا في بيون، ماهاراشترا، الهند!

مجهزة بأحدث الآلات، أصبحت منشأتنا الحديثة التي تبلغ مساحتها 11,869 مترًا مربعًا الآن على قدم وساق لتلبية أعلى معايير الصناعة. نحن ننتج قارنات حديد التسليح عالية الجودة بسعة مضاعفة، وأنابيب Sonitec، وقد قمنا بتقديم منشأة جديدة لتصنيع قضبان التسليح GFRP. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، فهو مجهز بمختبر اختبار داخلي ومساحة عمل لإصلاح وتجديد معدات الموقع.

يتميز المصنع ببيئة عمل واسعة ومريحة تم تصميمها مع الأخذ في الاعتبار رفاهية فريقنا المذهل. السلامة هي أولويتنا، وتعكس منشأتنا الجديدة التزامنا بتوفير مكان عمل متميز لموظفينا المتفانين.

هل ترغب في رؤية بعض النقاط البارزة في الاحتفال الكبير؟ شاهد الفيديو كاملاً للحصول على نظرة خاطفة حصرية على اللحظات المبهجة التي ميزت هذا الإنجاز لشركة Dextra على YouTube: 

Dextra’s Quarterly Newsletter: Connection #35

GFRP Rebar Revolutionizes

King Salman Energy Park Logistics Zone

The Logistics Zone at King Salman Energy Park (SPARK) aimed to facilitate global market access for Saudi Arabia, streamlining supply chains and enabling businesses to meet the rising demand for energy products. It includes the region’s largest private dry port, on-site customs clearance, and bonded warehouses.

A notable feature of this project was the use of Dextra’s 2.4 million meters of Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) rebar for heavy-load areas. Its corrosion resistance against moisture and chemicals makes it highly durable, especially in challenging environments like seawater.

This project was developed as part of SPARK’s commitment to transform the kingdom into a global logistics hub and increase local manufacturing, set to be operational in 2024.

Dextra’s Unwavering Commitment to Sustainability

In an era where sustainable practices have become the cornerstone of responsible corporate conduct, Dextra has emerged as a frontrunner in integrating eco-consciousness into its very fabric.

The latest testament to this steadfast commitment is the recent unveiling of our EPD (Environmental Product Declarations)-certified GFRP rebars and rebar couplers, comprising Bartec/Fortec, Griptec, and Rolltec, making us the first in the industry to achieve this independent verification milestone and publicly published results, with an aim to set a new benchmark for sustainable product development in the construction sector.

Beyond our revolutionary product line, we have been actively fostering sustainability on diverse fronts. Two recent notable initiatives involve collaborating with the local district in Thailand for a tree-planting campaign and encouraging employees to actively participate in hands-on environmental conservation efforts through beach clean-up activities.

Dextra has fostered a culture that not only prioritizes business excellence but also instills a sense of responsibility towards the preservation of natural resources.

Interested in working with us?

More about our latest projects


Coimbra B-Portagem Metro, Portugal

Sonitec has reduced labor time during installation while providing efficient crosshole sonic logging testing of concrete piles.

Coimbra B-Portagem Metro, Portugal

Sonitec has reduced labor time during installation while providing efficient crosshole sonic logging testing of concrete piles.

Sokhna Port Extension, Egypt     

At the heart of the expansion lies the impressive quay wall that applies marine tie bars to secure the marine walls.

Coimbra B-Portagem Metro, Portugal

Sonitec has reduced labor time during installation while providing efficient crosshole sonic logging testing of concrete piles.

Recent activities

Concrete 2023,


IABSE Congress,


ADIPEC 2023,


MBAM OneBuild,


Dextra together with its esteemed local partners, Madewell Products and Silva Global, showcased complete solutions in Perth in September.

Dextra India recently took part in several exhibitions, including IABSE Congress in New Delhi, DFI-India in Gujarat and World of Concrete in Mumbai.

Our team in Middle East participated in one of the biggest oil and gas events, highlighting our innovative GFRP solutions and other offerings for the industry.

As a member of MBAM, we hosted a booth focusing on our wide range of products for the construction industry in Malaysia.

Upcoming events

ASEAN Ports & Shipping 2023, Thailand

November 1-2, 2023

INMR World Congress 2023, تايلاند

November 12-15, 2023

Dextra’s Quarterly Newsletter: Connection #34

The World’s Largest Aquarium,

Reinforced with Bartec and GFRP Rebar, Now Opens to the Public!

SeaWorld Abu Dhabi, the highly anticipated marine life theme park and animal research facility, has recently opened its doors to the public in May 2023. Located on Yas Island in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, this project marks the first SeaWorld to be established outside of the United States.

Dextra provided a large number of Bartec couplers, which were crucial for the connection and reinforcement of columns, beams, and slabs throughout the park. These reliable couplers ensure the structural integrity of the various elements within the park’s structure.

In addition, Glass Fiber Reinforcement Polymer (GFRP) rebars were utilized in the overlay slabs of the swimming pools, effectively replacing traditional steel rebars. This choice is motivated by the superior durability and corrosion-resistant properties of GFRP, making it an ideal material for structures surrounded by water.


Dextra’s Unwavering Commitment to Sustainability

Dextra marked a significant milestone as it celebrated four decades of innovation and success alongside its esteemed partners in the United Arab Emirates, Thailand, China, and Hong Kong. The company hosted exclusive events as a gesture of appreciation for their unwavering support and collaboration throughout the years.

The celebratory events were a success, filled with memorable moments and expressions of gratitude. Dextra’s partners, representing a diverse range of projects around the world, joined in and shared their stories of success, highlighting the pivotal role played by Dextra’s innovative solutions and services.

Speaking at the events, Mr. Jean Marie Pithon, Chairman & CEO of Dextra, expressed his appreciation for the longstanding partnerships and acknowledged their invaluable contributions. He emphasized the company’s commitment to fostering mutually beneficial relationships and providing continuous support to our loyal partners and customers.

As Dextra’s global celebrations continue, its upcoming celebration will be held in India later this year to honor its Indian partners for their steadfast support, while also showcasing its latest innovations and vision for the future in this region.

Interested in working with us?

More about our latest projects


Trilogy Limassol Seafront, قبرص

Bartec couplers and headed bars provide reliable and robust column and slab connections and reinforcements in all three towers.

Altamira Port Terminal Expansion, Mexico

Marine tie bars were chosen to anchor sea walls during the expansion while Sonitec was used for the CSL testing of the quay’s foundation piles.

Cross Tay Link Road, Scotland

Sonitec was also provided to this road bridge project to check the structural integrity of the piles, ensuring its stability and safety.

Recent activities

Bartec CREAM Certified!

Bartec coupler has just received certification from the Construction Research Institute of Malaysia (CREAM) under Category B&S in accordance with ISO 15835:2018 for diameter 12-40mm. Dextra is the first manufacturer of rebar couplers to qualify for Category S in Malaysia, addressing seismic applications and the ability to withstand cyclic loads.

Dextra Interview with Ritta Thailand

Mr. Panitan Tepnikorn, CTO of Ritta, a prominent construction company in Thailand, gave us an exclusive interview in which he shared how Ritta adapted to changing construction trends through precast systems.

Dextra Showcases Port Solutions in Istanbul

Dextra participated as a speaker and exhibitor at the Black and Caspian Sea Ports & Shipping 2023 on July 4-6, in Istanbul, Türkiye, and shared our expertise on the use of composite and steel materials, as well as precast technology in marine structures.

New Testing Machine Now Operational

A brand-new fatigue testing machine is now operational at our laboratory, complementing our existing tension-compression cyclic testing machine and two static tensile testing machines. The addition of this equipment will allow us to meet the growing demand for fatigue testing, especially in high-speed train projects.

Dextra’s Quarterly Newsletter: Connection #33

Malaysia’s New MRT Line with Bartec System Now Open to Public


The Malaysian SSP Line, which opened to the public in March 2023, is the second line of Klang Valley’s MRT System. The objective of this project is to enhance Malaysia’s transportation system to meet the needs of its growing population.

Running through the heart of Kuala Lumpur and its suburbs, the SSP Line will connect Sungai Buloh to Putrajaya, featuring 35 stations, with 11 providing connections to other rail lines. The system will span over 52 km, comprising 13.5km of underground line and 38.7km of elevated rail.

To ensure the success of this extensive metro project, the contractor JV MMC-Gamuda selected Dextra as a rebar coupler manufacturer to meet the project demand and specifications. The couplers were integrated into the diaphragm walls, providing horizontal connection points for the station’s slabs during the later stages of the project.

New BIM Tools Available for

We are thrilled to announce that we have recently rolled out new components for ALLPLAN software!

The addition of Bartec, Fortec, Griptec, and Rolltec rebar splicing systems for ALLPLAN will take your experience to the next level. These components are now available for download.


Download the components today and get started on your next big project!

More about our latest projects


The Link La Défense, France                                   

Fortec coupler provides a reliable solution for reinforcing the concrete structures of the 242-meter-high skyscraper.

Mae Fah Luang Airport Expansion, Thailand            

Dextra supplied more than 180 tons of dowel bars for use as construction joints in the airport runway pavement.

Madrid Chamartín Railway Station Expansion, Spain

Dextra delivered 60,000 linear meters of Sonitec, a crosshole sonic logging pipe, for the piling work of the project.

Recent activities

Bangkok Governor Visit to Dextra Manufacturing

Dextra & ICSC Join NEx to Promote Nonmetallic Building Materials Globally

The Governor of Bangkok, Mr. Chadchart Sittipunt, along with the French Ambassador to Thailand H.E. Thierry Mathou, and the Economic Counsellor of French Embassy Mr. Hubert Colaris, honored us with their presence at our manufacturing facilities on 15th February in Bangkok, Thailand.

Dextra and its GFRP manufacturing partner in Saudi Arabia, Industrial Control Solutions Company (ICSC), join NEx: An ACI Center of Excellence for Nonmetallic Building Materials, to drive awareness and adoption of nonmetallic building materials, including GFRP rebars and geotechnical solutions.

Thank you for visiting our booths


Trans Middle East 2023, Dubai

Year of Innovation, تايلاند

BIMP-EAGA Maritime 2023, إندونيسيا

We appreciate your visit to our booth and attendance at our lecture session at Trans Middle East 2023 on 24-26 January in Dubai. Our team of experts took pleasure in providing insights for your port expansion project, utilizing our solutions including marine tie bars, rebar couplers, and GFRP rebars.

Mr. Olivier Becht, Minister Delegate for Foreign Trade, Economic Attractiveness and French Nationals Abroad, along with H.E Mr. Thierry Mathou, Ambassador of France to the Kingdom of Thailand visited Dextra booth on the occasion the kick-off of the Franco-Thai Year of Innovation 2023 at Benjakiti Park on January 26th in Bangkok.

Our booth at BIMP-EAGA Maritime 2023, held on 21-23 February in Jakarta, was a success, with many visitors showing keen interest in our solutions and services for supporting their upcoming marine-related projects in Indonesia.

Dextra’s Quarterly Newsletter: Connection #32

Dear Business Partner,


On behalf of all Dextra employees, we wish you and

your loved ones a happy and prosperous new year!


The year 2023 will mark an important milestone for us

as our company will complete 40 years of its establishment.


We would like to take this occasion to thank you

for being an earnest part of Dextra.


We look forward to working with you again for

many more glorious years of success!

A case study of Dextra solutions for wind farms

Fécamp Offshore Wind Farm involved the construction of 71 Gravity Based Structures (GBS) that will support a 180-meter-high windmill at Le Havre Port 2000 in France.

During the construction of the GBS, Fortec couplers were used to create temporary openings to facilitate the circulation of site personnel and materials. Several layers of Fortec were also installed as wall starter bars.

Headed bars were a perfect solution for the vertical reinforcement of the foundation, reducing rebar congestion and increasing the site productivity.

Fécamp Offshore Wind Farm – Fortec couplers and headed bars
Fécamp Offshore Wind Farm – couplers for wall openings
Use of couplers for wall openings to avoid protruding bars.

Fécamp Offshore Wind Farm – headed bars as shear wall cross ties
Headed bars installed during wall panels prefabrication.

The use of couplers and headed bars improved buildability and quality, resulting in faster construction cycle and reduced labour and crane time.


Thank you for visiting us at Bauma 2022!


We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the visitors for stopping by our booth at Bauma 2022 and for making our participation a success!


The exhibition gave us a great opportunity to present our solutions to all visitors. We appreciate your interest and hope you enjoyed your visit.


If you have further inquiries or want more information about any of our solutions, please feel free to contact us.


We look forward to seeing you again at Bauma 2025!

More about our latest projects


Penny’s Bay and Kai Tak Isolation Facility, Hong Kong

Fortec+ couplers were used to join the four-story containerized quarantine units.

Al-Zour LNG Import Terminal, Kuwait

The world’s largest LNG import terminal used marine tie bars in the marine facility construction.

Panama Metro Line 3, Panama

Bartec couplers and Sonitec CSL tubes were installed in the elevated monorail structure.

Construction trends toward faster & sustainable construction

A special interview with Meinhardt (Thailand) Ltd.

Construction industry trends in Thailand are changing toward faster construction and environmentally friendly design. Furthermore, the COVID-19 outbreak has shifted away the demand for high-rise residential and office buildings toward low-rise industrial buildings, data centers, and hospitals.


Dr. Methee Chiewanichakorn, Associate Director, Meinhardt (Thailand) Ltd. shared with us that the use of precast systems and carbon fiber reinforcing bar is becoming increasingly popular to meet the trends, and that, in order to select the right solutions, three factors must be considered: local availability, standard certification, and ability to provide technical support.

Recent activities

Donation to Cerebral Palsy Sports Association of Thailand

Friendly football match with Bouygues-Thai

Dextra donated 100,000 Thai baht (around USD 2,860), which was converted from the total kilometers collected throughout the 90-day virtual triathlon activity, to the Cerebral Palsy Sports Association of Thailand (CPSAT).

Dextra held a friendly football match with Bouygues-Thai to strengthen our good partnership. Thank you for your continuous trust in our business and we look forward to being part of your projects again in the coming years.

Dextra’s Quarterly Newsletter: Connection #31

Visit us at BAUMA on October 24-30, 2022

Dextra is participating to the 33rd edition of BAUMA, the world’s leading trade fair for the construction industry, to be held in Munich, Germany on October 24-30, 2022.


Our team of professionals from around the world is delighted to welcome you at stand no. 506, Hall C3.


Discover our latest technologies, solutions and iconic projects.

•  تقوية الخرسانة

•  أنظمة البار

•  الهندسة الأرضية


Dextra offers the most comprehensive range of rebar couplers for cast-in-place, repair and precast applications.

High-performance bar systems for roofs and façade support, bridges tensioning and marine structures anchoring.

Steel and composite (FRP) anchoring solutions, suitable for a variety of geotechnical applications.

Stadium 974 (formerly Ras Abu Aboud Stadium), a football stadium in Doha, Qatar, is a temporary venue made from 974 recycled shipping containers that will host matches during the 2022 FIFA World Cup, after which it will be dismantled. It is the FIFA World Cup’s first temporary venue.

The stadium has a modular design, with 974 recycled shipping containers symbolizing Qatar’s dialing code, removable seats and other modular building blocks.

It will host seven matches during the 2022 FIFA World Cup in November before being entirely dismantled and repurposed after the event.

Dextra is proud to be a part of this iconic project, supplying more than 600 sets of carbon steel tension rods for the cross-bracing of the roofing and bowl structures, as well as the stairway, catwalk, and ramps.

Stadium 974 not only symbolizes the country’s commitment to sustainability, but it also sets a new standard in sustainable construction design.

More about our latest projects


Queen Sirikit Convention Center Renovation, Thailand

Bartec couplers were used for the connection of columns, beams, d-walls, and core walls

Mugharraq Port Marine Development, UAE               

407 tons of marine tie bars were used to connect sea walls to anchor walls.

Relocation of Sha Tin STW to Caverns, Hong Kong

Cut-able GEOTEC™ GFRP rock-bolts were supplied for the tunnel’s temporary support.

Benefit from our libraries of CAD and BIM tools!

Dextra always strive to provide you with smart solutions for all construction projects, including digital tools to facilitate the detailing stage.


Feel free to contact our team of CAD/BIM specialists for any additional support:


[email protected]

Thank you for visiting us at:

World Tunnel Congress 2022, Denmark 2-8 September

Tunnelling Asia’ 2022, India 27-28 June

We would like to thank all our clients and visitors for taking their time to visit our stand.

It was our pleasure and honor and we enjoyed many inspiring conversations.

If you have any queries or need more information, please contact us at [email protected]

We look forward to being of service to you.

Dextra’s Quarterly Newsletter: Connection #30

The capital city of Dhaka is the busiest city in Bangladesh and the one of the densest city in the world in terms of traffic. Dhaka MRT is the city’s first-ever metro system that will carry 60,000 passengers per hour.

MRT Line 6 consists of 16 elevated stations that are each 180 m long and 20.1 km of electricity-powered light rail tracks.

Dextra supplied three solutions to the project:

  • Bartec rebar splicing system for the reinforcement of the station structures.
  • Sonitec, a push-fit sonic tube for concrete integrity testing of foundation piles using CSL method.
  • Shear Key post tensioning bars used as permanent restrainer for the connection of elevated metro precast segments.

The first trial run of the Line 6 was carried out in August 2021, then the line will open by December 2022 as planned.

Groutec included in CITF Pre-Approved List

We are delighted to announce that Groutec rebar splicing systems for precast element connections is now included in the Pre-Approved List of the CITF (Construction Innovation and Technology Fund), Hong Kong as “Advanced Construction Material”.

The CITF is established to encourage wider adoption of innovative constructive methods and new technologies in the construction industry with a view to promoting productivity, uplifting built quality, improving site safety and enhancing environmental performance.

As precast technology is one of the techniques encouraged by CITF, eligible contractors will be able to benefit of a one-time reimbursement up to 70% of their purchase value (with a cap of HKD 1,500,000) when using Groutec in their project. Groutec has been successfully used in numerous Precast building and civil projects for the past ten years.

More about our latest projects

w660_12993727_altamiraport01 (1)

Floresta Gardens Towers, The Pearl, Qatar

Groutec played a key role in the connection of precast columns for vertical connection.

Altamira Port – Multiple Use Terminal Expansion, Mexico

Marine tie bars were used to anchor sea walls and Sonitec was equipped for CSL testing.

Río Subterráneo A Lomas Tunnel, Argentina              

GFRP soft-eyes facilitates the penetration of TBM through reinforcement cages.

Meet us at WTC 2022, stand no. A47

Dextra, together with Nordic Geo Support, our partner who specializes in supplying geotechnical solutions, are attending the World Tunnel Congress (WTC) 2022 in Copenhagen, Denmark, stand no. A47.

A full line up of Dextra ground engineering solutions will be showcased. Come and meet our experts to discuss your tunneling and mining construction projects on September 2-8, 2022.

Visit us at stand no. 506, Hall C3, BAUMA 2022

Dextra is participating to the 33rd edition of BAUMA, the world’s leading trade fair for construction industry, to be held at Neue Messe München, Munich, Germany on October 24-30, 2022.

Our team of experts from around the world will gather at stand no. 506, Hall C3

Dextra’s Quarterly Newsletter: Connection #29

The condominium, which is located near the Chaopraya river on Rama 3 road in Bangkok, Thailand, contains 484 units.

Grouted mechanical sleeves were used to join the precast elements, and Groutec couplers, which were inserted inside the shear wall and bearing wall, played an essential role to ensure the reinforcement continuity with dry joints.

The half-grouted mechanism of Groutec L and S sleeves, which feature a threaded end on one side, ensured accuracy and reduced mistakes throughout the grouting process,” stated Mr. Janeboon Leepipatnavit, Project Director of Taveeporn Technology Co., Ltd., the project’s contractor.

The Key Rama 3 – precast wall installation
The Key Rama 3 – precast walls
The construction required fewer workers and supplies such as rebars and concrete, resulting in a shorter construction period and less noise and waste.

Groutec F IAPMO certified!

Groutec F precast couplers have been successfully certified with IAPMO (International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials) Standards, following the previous certification of Groutec L. 


Groutec F is a new fully-grouted precast connection solution that is developed to complement the existing half-grouted systems: Groutec L and Groutec S. Unlike the previous two models, it is designed for the connection of precast elements without the need for any rebar preparation.

More about our latest projects


HCMC Metro Line 1: Ba Son Shipyard Station, Vietnam

Bartec headed bars were used in shear link reinforcement as an alternative to bends to minimize steel congestion in heavily reinforced areas.

Mahatma Gandhi Setu Rehabilitation, India           

Dextra high-tensile fully threaded bars were provided, along with RepairGrip couplers for the connection of old and new pier caps.

Nanyang Technological University Lab, Singapore

GFRP (Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer) rebars were installed in base slabs and floating slabs as a replacement for steel rebars.

Dextra is proud to be the first manufacturer of products

for civil works construction whose quality management system is

ISO 19443 certified!

This new standard covers « Specific requirements for the application of the ISO 9001 standard by organizations in the supply chain of the nuclear energy sector supplying products and services important to nuclear safety. »

Having supplied concrete reinforcing bar couplers for the construction in over 50 nuclear reactors during the past 20 years, quality and nuclear safety remain Dextra’s priority.


Dextra attended ASEAN Ports & Shipping Exhibition in Malaysia

Dextra’s solutions for port building and expansion projects, such as marine tie bars, rebar couplers and fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) rebars, were on display at the 19th ASEAN Ports and Shipping Exhibition and Conference in Kuala Lumpur in March 2022.

Dextra’s Quarterly Newsletter: Connection #28

Cairo Metro is the rapid transit system in Greater Cairo, Egypt. It was the first of three full-fledged metro systems built in Africa, as well as the first in the Arab world.

The system currently has 74 stations, 3 of which are transfer stations, with a total length of 89.4 kilometers. There are 3 operating lines in the system, numbered from 1 to 3.

Cairo Metro Line 4 will be built as a new underground line that will help to alleviate traffic congestion. Phase 1 will run for 19 kilometers and include 16 stops, connecting the heart of Greater Cairo to Giza’s pyramids.

Dextra has supplied turn-key solutions for the reinforcement of the diaphragm walls.

  • 450,000 Bartec+ couplers
  • 42 GFRP soft-eyes

It is projected to be Egypt’s major tourist transportation line, with service up to the Pyramids area beginning in 2024.

GFRP Connector

for insulated precast sandwich panels


Suitable for composite, partially composite and non-composite precast concrete sandwich panels.

Manufactured with optimum bonding with concrete thanks to dual surface deformation and sand coating.

Stronger than steel, therefore fewer number of ties are needed compared to other methods.

Lighter than other connectors and easier to install, leading to higher sandwich panels productivity.

Made of corrosion-resistant material: GFRP (Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer) leading to slimmer panels.

More about our latest projects


Kursk II Nuclear Power Plant, Russia

Bartec standard and transition couplers, and headed bars, were installed in the reactor buildings.

Queensland Curtis LNG (QCLNG), Australia            

307 tons of marine tie bars serve as an anchorage for the marine offloading facility’s anchor walls.

Reconstruction of Pak Kok Pier, Hong Kong

Dextra delivered over 600m of GFRP rebars in straight and bending shapes for the reinforcement of the ferry pier.

Fully-threaded bar tools available for download!

Dextra post-tensioning bar (PT bar) system consists for a high tensile steel bar together with accessories, such as couplers, nuts washers, bearing plates.

Both smooth and fully-threaded bars, are available to best suit the project application for either temporary or permanent works.

The fully-threaded bars now come with tools for AutoCAD, Revit and Tekla to facilitate the design and detailing of structures by importing the components to the software.


Requirement of Rebar Coupler as per ISO 15835

Dextra shared its knowledge on coupler standard compliance in Malaysia and around the world in the latest webinar: “Requirement and Application Solutions of Dextra Rebar Coupler as per ISO 15835 In Compliance to CIDB Schedule 4 Order 2021”, organized by the Master Builders Association Malaysia, on November 29, 2021.

Dextra Group donates to COVID-19 relief fund in India

Dextra Group donated INR 15 Lakhs (20,000 US$), which was converted from the running distance of our charity virtual run event, to Dr. Sudin Gaikwad, the Deputy Secretary of the Maharashtra Chief Minister’s Relief Fund for COVID-19 in India in October 2021.

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   شارك معلوماتك معنا وسنقوم بالرد عليك في أقرب وقت ممكن.