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Stainless splicing for Montreal’s new Champlain Bridge

Stainless rebar couplers to splice rebar horizontally on the structure.

Reinforcement for bridgeجسر شامبلين الجديد هو جسر يبلغ طوله 3 كيلومترات ويمتد فوق نهر سانت لورانس عند المدخل الجنوبي الشرقي لمونتريال، في مقاطعة كيبيك (كندا).

The Champlain Bridge is one of the busiest bridges in Canada and plays an important economical role for its city as it is part of the main itinerary to the United States, accessible 60-km South.

For this project, Dextra is supplying its رولتيك ربط حديد التسليح الميكانيكي system, in both Carbon Steel and Stainless Steel versions. رولتيك is a certified system by the Department of Transportation of the State of Quebec.

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