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عبر طريق تاي لينك

عبر طريق تاي لينك

من المقرر أن يؤدي مشروع طريق Cross Tay Link Road في بيرث وكينروس، اسكتلندا، إلى إحداث تحول في وسائل النقل في المنطقة. إحدى السمات البارزة في هذا المسعى لبناء الطرق هو تضمين جسر ثلاثي الأبعاد فوق نهر تاي الرائع، وهو أطول نهر في اسكتلندا. ويهدف هذا المشروع إلى تعزيز الاتصال وتحسين كفاءة السفر للمقيمين والزوار على حد سواء.

ولضمان السلامة الهيكلية لركائز أساسات الجسر، قامت شركة Dextra بتوفير كمية قدرها 1,920 أنبوبًا، تصل إلى 11,136 مترًا طوليًا من Sonitec ST50. تم تصميم هذا المنتج المتخصص لاختبار سلامة الأكوام باستخدام طريقة Crosshole Sonic Logging (CSL). إنه يسهل تقييم جودة وموثوقية الركائز الأساسية، مما يضمن استقرار الجسر وسلامته على المدى الطويل.

تان فو - جسر لاش هوين

تان فو - جسر لاش هوين

The Tan Vu – Lach Huyen Bridge is a 5.4-km long bridge located East of Hai Phong, in the North of Vietnam. The brige is connecting the Hai Han district (East of Hai Phong), to the new port of Lach Huyen, located on the island district of Cat Hai. This will also allow the port of Lach Huyen to be directly connected to the Hai Phong/Hanoi highway, drastically reducing the transit time to Vietnam’s capital city.

The bridge project is part of a broader infrastucture plan: the Tan Vu – Lach Huyen highway infrastructure project, which aims to develop Hai Phon as a main transportation hub in the North of Vietnam.

For this bridge project, Dextra supplied two types of Post Tensioning systems:

  • For the permanent reinforcement of precast girder segments, Dextra supplied PT smooth bar systems with threaded ends in sizes M39 and M49, grade 835/1030 and 930/1080. Dextra bar systems are used for the vertical post-tensioning of concrete segments.
  • For the lifting and temporary fixing of the precast girders segments during the construction phase, Dextra supplied its Fully threaded bar systems in diameters 32 and 36, grade 1080/1230.

For all temporary applications such as lifting and fixing operations, Fully threaded PT bar systems are a convenient and economical solution as they bars can easily be cut, adjusted and re-used several times. Thanks to their continuous thread, the bars can be spliced at any points by the use of couplers or turnbuckles, which are also available from Dextra.

For more information and engineering support regarding Post Tensioning Systems in Vietnam, please contact contact our office in Bangkok.

استبدال جسر نهر سميث، مدينة الهلال

استبدال جسر نهر سميث، مدينة الهلال

The replacement of the Smith River Bridge at the South Fork Road, Crescent City (also named George Tryon Bridge) is a local infrastructure project initiated by the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and handed over contractor Flatiron West, Inc. The aim of the project is to replace an existing steel bridge, built in 1948.

For this project, Dextra supplied its Bartec rebar coupler solution. Bartec allows a convenient connection of rebars on large diameters from #4 to #18 (Imperial rebar sizes) and were used in columns and beams of the new replacement bridge. Bartec takes advantage of extended threads on rebars to splice them without the need of rotating any bar and without any extra further component: only a standard rebar coupler is required.

Additionally, Bartec Headed Bars were also supplied, replacing hook bars in congested reinforcement areas.

Bartec is a prequalified and authorized solution by CALTRANS (California Transportation Department) and has previously been tested and approved by the California Department of Transportation.

For more information about Dextra solutions available in the United States, please contact our North America office

جسر باخ دانغ (VN2021)، جسر متعدد الامتدادات في فيتنام

جسر باخ دانغ (VN2021)، جسر متعدد الامتدادات في فيتنام

The Bach Dang Bridge is the first all-Vietnamese designed and constructed mega infrastructural project located in northern Vietnam. The project is estimated to cost 7.3 trillion VND (approximately 312.2 million USD). The bridge 5.4-kilometer bridge spans over the historic Bach Dang River and is part of the Hanoi – Quang Ninh highway project. It also features 4 lanes of 28 meters wide, meticulously designed for speeds of up to 100km/hour traffic. The bridge and highway connection are intended to help shorten the distance from Hanoi and Quang Ninh from 175 km. to 125 km., as well as to cut travel times between the two localities in half.

The construction of the first multi-span cable-stayed bridge in Vietnam

The very first made-in-Vietnam multi-span cabled-stayed bridge features 3 H-pylons, representing Hanoi, Hai Phong, and Quang Ninh urban areas. These regions are now connected by the bridge to boost their economic growth. Bach Dang River has a historical significance as it is the site of the Battle of Bach Dang in 938CE, where rebel Vietnamese forces defeated and put an end to the Chinese imperial domination of Vietnam. Bach dang Bridge will only enhance further the strategic edge of the northern region.

Dextra post-tensioning bars for permanent applications of the bridge

For the construction of the Bach Dang Bridge, Dextra fully-threaded bars were applied to it as permanent post-tensioning anchors.
For this mega infrastructural project, Dextra supplied over 100 high performance post-tensioning bar systems. Also known as PT bars, they are specifically designed for post-tensioned applications. They can be corrosion-protected as is the case for the equipment supplied in the project. The corrosion protection is done in a controlled facility in Dextra’s factory, before being shipped to site.

To learn more about our products, discover Dextra’s solutions for bridges and viaducts.

بناء الجسور الثانية في كانشبور وميجنا وجومتي

بناء الجسور الثانية في كانشبور وميجنا وجومتي

The Kanchpur, Meghna, and Gumti 2nd Bridges Construction and Existing Bridges Rehabilitation Project (KMG project) includes the construction of three new bridges on National Highway No. 1 (NH-1) across the Kanchpur, Meghna, and Gumti rivers, as well as the rehabilitation and renovation of existing bridges.

The new bridges have four lanes and are built beside older bridges with approach roads.

The objective of the project is to improve traffic conditions and transportation efficiency on the National Highway No.1 between Dhaka and Chittagong, contributing to Bangladesh’s long-term economic growth.

Dextra supplied thousands of Unitec couplers, ranging from diameter 12mm to 28mm to connect top slabs and piers.

Unitec is a bolted splicing system designed for the connection of two rebars which haven’t been previously prepared (no thread). It can be assembled on site with standard impact/pneumatic wrench.

طريق شمال لوزون السريع

طريق شمال لوزون السريع

The North Luzon Expressway project (NLEx) is a large road project, partly elevated, taking place North of Manila, the capital of the Philippines. The objective of the project is to provide a robust North-South road link on the Luzon Island. The total length of the project exceeds 80km.

For this project, Dextra supported contractor Leighton Philippinese with its popular
بارتيك solution, popular rebar splicing method in South East Asia.

Bartec is very popular in Asia as it offers contractors a reliable way of connecting rebar. The unique sequence of the Bartec rebar preparation, which starts by cutting/enlarging the bar end, allow to uniformize the rebar before threading, making it reliable over time, evene between different lots of bars.

Between 2015 and 2017, Rebar couplers were used on the elevated segment of the orth Luzon Expressway project project, at the top of the bridge pylons. Couplers allowed the connection between the pylons and the head of the precast beams, which will ultimately support the road.

For this application alone, more than 78,000 rebar couplers were used, in diameters D28 & D36. Bartec range of diameters supported is one of the widest among the Dextra range, for more information, please refer to our Technical Datasheet available in the Download Section.

جسر بيزونز

جسر بيزونز

Bezons Viaduct is part of the extension to the suburban train line E (Eole) of the Regional Express Network, an hybrid transit system in Paris, France, serving the capital and its suburbs.

The viaduct connects the train line E to the existing network with a 96m-long bowstring-arch bridge that allows the lines to pass over the existing railway line on ground.

A proper concrete tensioning system was required to ensure the stability of the 2,000 tons structure: Dextra and its Tension Rods stepped in for that purpose.

The key success factor of this project, both in terms of design and customer care, was the strong collaboration between Dextra and its local partner Freyssinet.

Photo credit: https://www.lemoniteur.fr/article/bezons-le-bow-string-du-saut-de-mouton-d-eole-est-en-place.2044730#! ©CHRISTOPHE RECOURA/FOORESO

جسر زواري – جسر وممرات مثيرة للإعجاب مدعومة بالكابلات في جوا، غرب الهند

جسر زواري – جسر وممرات مثيرة للإعجاب مدعومة بالكابلات في جوا، غرب الهند

The Zuari bridge is a 640-meter long 8-lane cable-stayed bridge laying across the massive river Zuari in Goa. The project also includes 450-meter long elevated approaches with only 2 pillars, along with a 12-kilometer detour. The total value of the project is estimated at $227M.

This new bridge will solve the long commute problems across the two banks of the river. Additionally, with the wider span than the old one, this shall also take care of the growing vehicular traffic which its predecessor built some 30 years back.

With the new bridge, the Public Work Department (PWD) aims to improve road safety and ease traffic flow. Two towers and viewing galleries will also be added for tourism purposes. Being started in 2016, the project is planned to be finished in 2019.

Parallel-threaded rebar couplers for the bridge’s pile cages and pylons

For this massive project in Goa, Dextra has been supplying its popular parallel-threaded rebar splicing solutions Bartec for Fe 500 and Fe 600 Grade steel. More than 110K Bartec couplers are getting installed in Pile cages and Pile caps. This is one of the iconic bridge project, may be one of its kind, with Fe 600 grade steel to be a part of Pile caps and Fe 500 grade steel in piles up to 48 meter deep. Pylon is 103 meter in height and designed with Fe 600 grade steel as well.

Bartec is a full performance mechanical rebar couplers, with no reduction of cross-section area of the bar thanks to their parallel-threads. This characteristic makes the rebar connections a strong point of the structure, and can also simplify the project’s inventory: one type of coupler for both standard and position applications.

The bar-end preparation is also supported by 3 high-productivity machines which prepare each bar in sequence: cutting, cold forging and threading.

Dextra post-tensioning bars for precast elements and segment castings

In addition to Bartec couplers, for the bridge’s precast segments, the contractors also opted for Dextra post-tensioning bar systems. PT bars helps the project’s stakeholders carry out the erection of precast segments and the casting of the segments in time, and in a quality controlled manner.

More than 500 sets of pt bars were delivered to the project as of November 2018. Dextra has made supplies to Dilip Buildcon for Yard applications and Launching.

Also, for phase III of the project, Dextra has made supplies to NRS for PT bars and accessories.

جسر ماهاكام الرابع، إندونيسيا

جسر ماهاكام الرابع، إندونيسيا

كلفت وزارة الأشغال العامة الإندونيسية (MoPW) ببناء مشروع جسرين مزدوجين جديدين يعبران نهر ماهاكام في ساماريندا، في مقاطعة كاليمانتان الشرقية. يشتمل مشروع Mahakam IV على جسرين منفصلين: الجسر المعلق الذي يبلغ طوله 1388 مترًا ويبلغ طوله 220 مترًا وعرضه 17 مترًا وخلوصه الرأسي 22 مترًا، بينما يبلغ طول الجسر الرئيسي 740 مترًا وعرضه 14 مترًا وخلوصه الرأسي 25 مترًا.

شاركت Dextra بالفعل في المراحل الأولى من المشروع، حيث قدمت أدوات BIM من أجل دمج نظام دعم التوتر في التصميم الهيكلي العام.

في نهاية العملية، تم تسليم أكثر من 60 قضيب شد من الفولاذ الكربوني بأطوال مختلفة إلى موقع البناء. تسمح الشوكات وشدادات النظام بتعديل الطول ليتوافق مع متطلبات الموقع.

يسمح نظام قضيب الشد الخاص بـ Dextra بالامتصاص الأمثل لأحمال التوتر في الهيكل. يتوفر عدد من درجات القوة والتشطيبات السطحية المختلفة لتناسب جميع المتطلبات الفنية والجمالية للمشروع.

تم الانتهاء من المشروع وفتحه أمام حركة المرور في عام 2019.

امتداد مرتفع للطريق السريع الوطني 44

امتداد مرتفع للطريق السريع الوطني 44

الطريق السريع الوطني 44 (NH 44) هو أطول طريق سريع في الهند، ويمتد لمسافة 3745 كم من سريناجار إلى كانياكوماري.

مع مرور الوقت، توسعت المدن القريبة من الطريق السريع بوتيرة كبيرة بحيث تكاثرت الأحياء المجاورة للطريق السريع إلى أعداد كبيرة جدًا.

ونتيجة لذلك، غالبًا ما يؤثر المشاة والمركبات الخفيفة على جانبي الطريق على تدفق وسرعة المركبات الثقيلة على الطرق الطويلة. كما أنه يشكل خطرًا كبيرًا على المركبات الخفيفة والمشاة المحليين.

لحل هذه المشكلة، اقترحت هيئة الطرق السريعة في الهند توسيع الطريق ليقترن بجسور علوية على الامتداد الذي يمر فيه الطريق السريع عبر مدن مكتظة بالسكان.

يتم إنشاء الطريق السريع المرتفع الذي يبلغ طوله 34 كيلومترًا في منطقة ناجبور-حيدر أباد لتحسين شبكة الطرق بين ناجبور والعاصمة حيدر أباد.

اختارت السلطات تقنية البناء القطاعي للجسور المرتفعة، وتم صب كل جزء ثقيل في بيئة خاضعة لمراقبة الجودة للساحات مسبقة الصنع.

وبالنظر إلى الحجم الكبير لهذه القطاعات مسبقة الصب، كان من الضروري توفير مواد رفع سهلة الاستخدام، قادرة على تحمل الأحمال العالية.

كانت القضبان الملولبة بالكامل والمدرفلة على الساخن من Dextra هي الأفضل لتلبية تلك المتطلبات.

تم توفير أكثر من 100 مجموعة من قضبان الشد اللاحقة (FT) الملولبة بالكامل لرفع وإطلاق الأجزاء مسبقة الصب مع عوارض الإطلاق لهذا المشروع، إلى جانب الملحقات مثل صواميل النهاية وقارنات التوصيل.

تُستخدم أنظمة Dextra FT Bar بشكل متكرر للتطبيقات المؤقتة مثل الرفع الثقيل وخياطة العناصر مسبقة الصب وتثبيت دعامات الإطار الفولاذي.

في حالة التطبيقات الدائمة، يمكن استخدام قضبان FT لربط العوارض والأرصفة في بناء الجسور القطاعية.

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