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High Speed 2 (HS2), United Kingdom

High Speed 2 (HS2), United Kingdom


The UK’s ambitious High Speed 2 (HS2) project, encompassing 140 miles of track, four state-of-the-art stations, two depots, 32 miles of tunnel, and 130 bridges, is set to redefine sustainable travel and foster economic regeneration for generations to come. Dextra is proud to play a vital role in this transformative endeavor by supplying جريبتيك couplers to various HS2 sites, ensuring the structural integrity and resilience of this extensive rail infrastructure.

Picture: Victoria Road Crossover Box Site


Our جريبتيك couplers, known for their high-performance rebar connections, have been deployed across numerous key sites, including the Long Itchington Wood Tunnel, Old Oak Common Station, Victoria Road Crossover Box, Colne Valley Viaduct, Chiltern Tunnel and Ventilation Shafts, Thame Valley Viaduct, Curzon Street Viaducts, Edgcote Viaduct,  Canterbury Road Works Headhouse and Ventilation Shaft, and many more. The couplers have been integral in connecting rebars for primary collars, piers, base slabs, crown beams, buttresses, and deck segments, ensuring robust and reliable structural connections.

Picture: Chiltern Tunnel and Ventilation Shafts Site


Spotlight on Long Itchington Wood Tunnel: A Legacy of Environmental Responsibility

One of the largest construction sites for HS2 is at Long Itchington Wood, where a 1-mile twin bore tunnel is being built. The tunnel serves a critical purpose: preserving the ancient woodland of Long Itchington by diverting the railway underground. To facilitate the launch of the tunnel boring machine (TBM), a massive excavation at the north portal site was necessary. This involved the removal of approximately 250,000 cubic meters of material, which was then repurposed to form environmental embankments along the mainline.

Dextra supplied nearly 20,000 جريبتيك standard and position couplers in diameters ranging from 12mm to 40mm for the tunnel construction. These couplers were used in the diaphragm walls, pile caps, and portals, ensuring the durability of connections in the deep and challenging excavation environment. The جريبتيك system, comprising one male and one female sleeve extruded onto the rebar, facilitated efficient and secure rebar connections that are essential for large-scale projects like HS2.

ال جريبتيك female sleeves were initially installed at the top of the diaphragm wall. Position assembly—a technique that accommodates non-rotatable rebars—was employed to connect the female sleeves to male sleeves on L-shaped bars within the roof slab. This reinforcement approach was extended to pile caps and later stages of construction, where the couplers reinforced the crown beam by connecting with bent bars through lap length.

Picture: Long Itchington Wood Tunnel Site


Empowering Infrastructure with Technological Innovation

As HS2 progresses, Dextra’s جريبتيك couplers continue to enable rapid and reliable rebar connections, supporting the project’s commitment to quality, safety, and sustainability. By contributing advanced construction solutions, we are proud to be part of HS2’s legacy of environmentally responsible travel, economic regeneration, and technological innovation. Our role in HS2 reflects Dextra’s dedication to advancing infrastructure through high-performance products that meet the needs of complex and large-scale projects.

The High Speed 2 project is poised to transform the UK’s transportation landscape, and with Dextra’s جريبتيك couplers in place, the rail network is set to endure and thrive for generations to come.

الحلول ذات الصلة


في كل لحظة من رحلة عميلك، تكرس فرق Dextra نفسها لإنتاج حلول البناء الذكية التي تتيح لعملائنا الوصول إلى مستويات أعلى من الإنتاجية والسلامة في مواقع البناء الخاصة بهم.

تمتلك Dextra مخزونًا فعليًا في عدة قارات، يكمله في كل بلد المخزون المحلي لموزعينا. ومن خلال هذه الشبكة الموسعة، تتأكد Dextra من أن منتجاتنا في متناول اليد دائمًا بغض النظر عن مكان تواجد شركائنا.

بالنسبة للحلول التي تتطلب التخصيص، يمكن لـ Dextra أيضًا تجاوز أوقات التسليم القياسية الخاصة بنا وتقديم خطط تسليم سريعة. استشرنا لمزيد من المعلومات.

من خلال 3 مواقع صناعية رئيسية تقع في بانكوك (تايلاند)، وقوانغتشو (الصين)، وبيون (الهند)، تمتلك Dextra مرافق التصنيع والعمليات الخاصة بها بالكامل. وهذا يسمح لنا بالتحكم الكامل في توقيت عملياتنا وجودة الحلول المنتجة.

يقع مختبر اختبار المواد المعتمد بشكل مستقل، والمعتمد وفقًا لمعايير ISO-IEC17025، في مصنع Dextra الرئيسي في بانكوك، مما يسمح باختبار المواد والمنتجات.

تهدف Dextra إلى توفير المنتجات التي تتجاوز الموافقات الفنية الدولية الأكثر تطلبًا، وهدفنا هو خلق أقصى قدر من رضا العملاء من خلال الامتثال لاحتياجات عملائنا والمتطلبات المحددة.

الرجاء إدخال المعلومات الخاصة بك

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