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Dextra’s Quarterly Newsletter: Connection #22

Melbourne Metro project: a showcase of Dextra solutions


The Metro Tunnel is a major enhancement to Melbourne’s rail network, a multibillion-dollar project comprising the design and construction of twin nine-kilometer tunnels and five underground stations.

The stations are designed based on the architectural character of the local area.

Dextra has been selected as a one-stop solution supplier, thanks to its wide range of products.

The numbers are impressive:

  • 400,000 Griptec rebar couplers
  • 5,300 GFRP Combination Bolts
  • 900 GFRP soil nails
  • 16 عيون ناعمة

Dextra was able to support and share their expertise on GFRP at design stage and produce the GFRP solutions as per the owner expectation.

اختبارات أداء المقرنة في درجات حرارة مرتفعة


اختبرت إمبريال كوليدج لندن قارنات التوصيل Dextra Bartec/Fortec وGriptec في درجات حرارة مرتفعة لتقييم أداء القارنات في حالة نشوب حريق.

تشمل أبرز نقاط الاختبار ما يلي:

  • تشير النتائج إلى أنه يمكن استخدام القواعد المقننة الحالية لتقييم خصائص القوة والصلابة لكل من حديد التسليح غير المقسم وحديد التسليح المتصل بقارنات التوصيل Bartec/Fortec أو Griptec.
  • عند درجات حرارة أقل من 400 درجة مئوية، لا تتأثر قوة الشد والصلابة النهائية لوصلات Bartec/Fortec وGriptec، وكذلك حديد التسليح غير المقسم بشكل كبير.
  • عند اختبار الشد عند درجات حرارة أقل من 500 درجة مئوية، لا يزال الفشل يحدث بشكل عام في حديد التسليح خارج منطقة قارنة التوصيل Bartec/Fortec أو Griptec.

More about our latest projects


One Nine Elms, United Kingdom                              

Griptec and Sonitec solutions were supplied to ensure structural safety and integrity of the iconic towers.

Strengthening of Captain Cook Bridge, Australia

In collaboration with Freyssinet, Freyssibar+ was the best smooth post tensioning bar for the job.

Zakhr City, المملكة العربية السعودية                                                   

3,000 fully threaded steel Rock Bolts were applied to secure the loose rock mass created after excavation.

New Tension Rods design tools!

To facilitate the work of designers and consultants, our team develops and continually improves intuitive tools for AutoCAD, Revit and Tekla users.

The updated Tension Rods systems were added to the Dextra design tool ranges, along with new tutorial videos.

Take advantage of our easy-to-use components, available for free download!

Interview with World Success Solutions

“We have been growing together and become one of the top mechanical splicing system providers in Malaysia, supporting many key customers, both local and international.”




Meet World Success Solutions Sdn Bhd (WSS), an engineering product solutions company in Malaysia that provide one stop service to local customers.

Find out why they have chosen Dextra since their first mega project in Malaysia

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